Dry skin around lips


Peeling of the skin around the mouth is a very unpleasant cosmetic defect that can spoil the image of even the most sophisticated and sophisticated lady. Often it is women who become the “victims” of this anomaly. Therefore, it takes a lot more stress and nerves to fight it.

However, simply getting rid of peeling skin around the mouth is not enough - it is important, first of all, to understand the causes of this phenomenon. Only after this will it be possible to talk about complete elimination of the problem with the skin around the lip contour.

Causes and factors causing peeling around the mouth

The reasons why the skin around the mouth contour peels may be:

  1. Poor nutrition. This factor is one of the most common. It causes many dermatological diseases, and redness and flaking of the skin around the mouth is no exception. Abuse of sweet, spicy, salty, fried, smoked foods - all this can disrupt the metabolic process of any person. As a result, the skin also suffers.
  2. A deficiency of vitamins A and B, in which a person not only has peeling skin in the corners of the mouth, but also decreased visual acuity, fatigue, drowsiness and fatigue.
  3. Problems with the digestive tract. When a malfunction occurs in the digestive system, the epidermis almost immediately suffers. Thus, peeling of the skin in the corners of the mouth, if it was truly caused by a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, may be accompanied by yellowness of the face and a white coating on the tongue.
  4. Dermatitis is one of the most common reasons why the skin around the mouth becomes flaky and red. This pathology can be extremely dangerous to health, so it must be dealt with immediately, otherwise the situation can greatly aggravate.


  5. Frequent chemical peeling of the face is every woman's worst enemy. In order to prevent peeling of the skin on the face around the contour of the mouth after this manipulation, it is strictly forbidden to perform it too often. Proper facial care requires a sense of proportion.
  6. Sudden temperature change. Especially often the skin around the lip contour suffers in winter, when a person abruptly leaves a warm room and goes outside, where the weather is frosty. This is often one of the reasons for flaking of the skin around the mouth, as well as burning and itching in this area.
  7. Mechanical damage to the epidermis in this area of ​​the face.
  8. Lack of fluid in the body.
  9. Avitaminosis.
  10. Exhaustion of the body due to adherence to strict diets or so-called “shock regimes”,
  11. Seasonal or chronic allergies to food, medications, etc.
  12. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics or other aggressive medications.
  13. Diabetes. With this dangerous disease, the patient’s skin peels not only around the mouth, but also on other parts of the body. In this case, a person feels itching, heat or burning in those areas where the pathological process takes place.
  14. Congenital dry skin.

If the skin around the mouth peels off in a small child, this is a clear sign of an allergic reaction. You should not close your eyes to similar signals from the baby’s body - they may indicate the presence of a more serious pathological process that occurs latently (hidden) in the body.

One of the reasons why the skin on the lips or around the mouth peels may be previous (or current) dermatological diseases. In particular, this applies to herpetic infection, which is at the last stage - during the period of wound healing.

Whatever causes such an unpleasant anomaly, it must be combated with all available methods. Prevention also plays an important role, so it should also be given due attention.

Methods to combat peeling

Having found out exactly why the skin on the face, lips or around the mouth is peeling, you can think about how to get rid of such an unpleasant problem. Excellent results in this situation are provided by folk recipes for combating various dermatological abnormalities. Here are some of them.

  1. Pour 30 ml of any vegetable oil into a small porcelain bowl, add the white of 1 egg and mix with 5 ml of melted honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Place in an enamel bowl with water and heat slightly. Apply the finished mask to the skin around the lips for 10-12 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Carry out the procedure until the skin around the mouth stops peeling.
  2. In order for the epidermal coverings on the face to always be healthy, they must be regularly moisturized. This is especially important for people with dry skin types. For this reason, you should wipe your lips and the skin around them with various vegetable oils. It is best to use olive, sesame, and almond oil for this purpose. These lip masks nourish the skin, enrich it with vitamins and all the necessary nutrients.
  3. Mix a dessert spoon of butter with 10 g of propolis and place the container in a water bath. Heat up and after a quarter of an hour remove from the stove. Mix the ingredients and the ointment is ready. This medicine is great if the skin around the mouth is peeling. It heals small cracks, wounds, and also has a bactericidal effect.

Such methods of eliminating peeling can be used not only for lips, but also for treating facial skin in general. The main condition is that you must be absolutely sure that this or that product will not cause the development of an allergic reaction.

Preventive actions

In order for the skin on the face around the mouth to stop peeling, or to prevent the development of this anomaly in the future, you need to remember a few simple but very important rules. Compliance with them will help prevent a number of other problems with the epidermis.

  1. Drink enough fluid, as this is what affects the condition of the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it.
  2. Including fruits, vegetables and cereals from different types of cereals in the diet. They normalize metabolism, remove toxins and enrich the body with useful substances.
  3. Calmness and avoidance of stressful situations are the key to the health of not only the skin, but also all internal organs.
  4. Proper use of makeup will help prevent flaking of the skin around the mouth and nose.
  5. Reliable protection of the epidermis in the lip area from sudden temperature changes should not be seasonal, but permanent.
  6. Exfoliating weekly with a homemade scrub made with oatmeal and warm water will help remove dead skin cells.

If you have any suspicions about your health, it is better not to hesitate and consult a doctor. Peeling of the skin on the face and around the mouth, especially if it cannot be eliminated using the methods described above, can signal serious problems in the functioning of internal organs. A timely response to such alarm bells will help not only get rid of dermatological problems, but also maintain the health of the entire body.

Dry skin around the mouth is a real problem that can affect anyone. And to solve it, you need to understand why the skin around the lips peels, the reasons for its appearance, why the skin cracks in the corners of the mouth, how to cure peeling around the lips and whether it is possible to prevent it. You will find answers to these questions and other useful information on the topic of flaking skin around the mouth below.

Appearance has always been, is and will be an important component of creating a general impression of a person. After all, as observations and various studies show, the better a new acquaintance looks, the more the audience is disposed towards him. A very important attribute of good appearance is well-groomed, smooth and even skin. And, as you know, beautiful skin is healthy skin. You need to take care of it from the inside, constantly monitor the condition of the dermis and, if anything happens, take the necessary measures for a quick recovery.

In general, skin health is significantly influenced by a person's lifestyle. To achieve good skin condition, you need to eat right, not drink too much alcohol, exercise and minimize the amount of stress. But, unfortunately, a healthy lifestyle does not always provide beautiful and well-groomed skin. There are various factors that can affect her condition.

A fairly common problem is dry skin around the mouth. It spoils a person’s appearance and causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.


What is peeling skin

Peeling skin is a process where dead skin cells slough off with much greater force and speed than normal.

That is, dry skin is a deviation from the norm. Peeling most often occurs in people with dry skin types, but this does not mean that people with oily and combination skin types will not peel. Any person can have this problem.

Causes of peeling skin

Why does the skin around the lips peel? If the skin on your lips cracks, what is the reason for this phenomenon? In general, there are many reasons for the appearance of dry skin around the mouth, because this phenomenon can be caused by almost any external irritant, but there are a number of main factors that result in the appearance of flaking of the skin around the mouth. These are the following reasons:

  1. hypothermia;
  2. weathering;
  3. weakening of the immune system;
  4. lack of vitamins in the body;
  5. a sharp decrease in moisture levels;
  6. poor nutrition;
  7. allergic reaction.

Peeling and cracking of the skin around the mouth is especially common during cold times, since low temperatures are typical for winter and autumn, but it is worth noting that due to frequent summer dry winds, peeling of the skin around the lips can also appear.


In addition, in winter, as a rule, people lack certain vitamins. And hypothermia, together with vitamin deficiency, gives a negative result in the form of peeling of the lips and skin next to them. This problem also occurs quite often among those who like to lick their lips. In this case, peeling of the skin around the mouth is observed more often in a child than in adults. Due to the fact that wet skin is constantly exposed to air, it becomes irritated, which causes peeling.


How to restore dry skin around the mouth?

There are various treatments you can try to get rid of flaky skin and chapped lips. It can be both medical and folk. In terms of effectiveness, the methods are not inferior to each other, but in terms of finances they differ. After all, drugs may not be affordable for everyone, but traditional medicine can be found in almost every medicine cabinet. So, to get rid of dry skin around the mouth, you need to resort to the following measures:

  1. Lightly exfoliate irritated skin once a week (you can use semolina or special products sold in pharmacies).
  2. Use various vegetable oils (olive, lavender, walnut, juniper, ylang-ylang, you can even use sunflower). It is necessary to carefully wipe the affected areas of the skin with cotton swabs soaked in oil. Application 2-3 times a week.
  3. An alternative to oils can be a moisturizing and nourishing cream; it can be used every day.

Important! Cleansing irritated skin around the mouth should be as careful as possible, since careless attitude to this procedure can lead to the appearance of various wounds and bumps in the corners of the mouth and on the lips.

To prevent the appearance of dry skin, it is necessary to do the above cosmetic procedures regularly (4-5 times a month). Before going outside in cold weather, lubricate your face with moisturizer half an hour before going out.

Remember that dry skin around the mouth is a problem that anyone can face, but the main thing is to solve it quickly to prevent the terrible consequences of painful skin sores that are quite difficult to treat. Protect your skin and always be beautiful!

Peeling around the mouth is a common and often easily solvable problem caused by poor diet and care. However, sometimes, when the skin around the mouth peels, tightness and irritation appear, this is an alarming symptom of unpleasant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or problems with hormones, and in this case it is worth visiting a doctor.

The reasons why the skin around the mouth peels can also be related to dermatitis or vitamin deficiency.

Causes of peeling skin around the mouth

Most often, the skin around the lips peels due to:

  1. traumatic care. The abundant presence of alcohols, harsh surfactants, preservatives, and other unpleasant substances in cosmetic products provokes the appearance of peeling and skin problems in general. You should avoid components such as: Denatured Alcohol, Ethanol, Ethyl alcohol, and also do not do chemical or mechanical cleaning more often than required. By the way, scrubs can be the reason why the skin peels, since they traumatize it quite strongly even with visible cleansing.
  2. improper diet. The foods we eat affect our appearance. In order to keep it in order and minimize the risk of peeling, acne, and other defects, you need to remove sweet, fatty, spicy, smoked foods from your menu, reduce the consumption of light carbohydrates, add fiber and lactic acid drinks, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt .

Interesting! Eating fermented milk products can really help get rid of flaking, as they contain a lot of lactic bacteria. They produce lactic acid, which is widely used in cosmetic production - it acidifies the body’s environment, destroys subcutaneous fat, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also exfoliates keratinized particles, which, in fact, are peelings.

  1. Sudden temperature changes. This is especially true on cold winter days and autumn evenings. The dermis could simply be frozen or chapped, like the lips, for example, which is much easier to deal with.
  2. Deficiency of certain vitamins. These may include vitamins A, E, B or C. These vitamins have the greatest impact on our dermis. They accelerate regeneration, due to which the skin recovers faster after peeling, moisturize it, preventing their appearance, and do not allow dead skin cells to remain on the face for a long time.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract or hormones. The gastrointestinal tract and the hormonal system of our body are one of the most vulnerable human systems. Problems with them can be hereditary or congenital, but very often acquire over time. They are accompanied by a deterioration in facial tone and relief, and can cause the skin around the mouth and nose to peel.
  4. Dermatitis may be oral (scaly), contact (bleeding), or seborrheic (similar to dandruff). Peeling is an eternal companion of dermatitis, and ordinary cosmetics can no longer cope with it.

Attention! You should never forget that in some cases the skin is prone to flaking, especially dry skin.

What to do if the skin around your mouth is peeling

The flaky skin around the lips needs treatment to prevent it from flaking. However, different reasons require different remedies. For cosmetic defects, proper care will be enough, but at the first suspicion of dermatitis, you should visit a dermatologist who will prescribe not only cosmetic products, but also internal ones.

The skin on the face around the mouth is often an indicator of whether a girl is taking care of her face as a whole, so it is very important to keep it in good condition. And even after treatment, it is worth paying great attention to prevention and advice from a cosmetologist.

Experts advise that if the skin around your mouth is already peeling, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Am I drinking enough water? Water is involved in many processes in the body, including playing an important role in keeping the face in order.
  2. Am I allergic to any foods/organisms? Red spots near the mouth of an adult, which also peel, may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  3. Should I reduce the level of alcohol/nicotine/fat/sweets and add more fruits, milk and fiber? After all, this not only causes redness and irritation around the mouth, but also generally has a bad effect on the body.
  4. Do I wash off my makeup every time I come home? You need to wash your face with micellar water and foam after a hard day at work, despite your fatigue. In all that dust, secretions of the sebaceous glands, particles of cosmetics, a huge amount of bacteria accumulates overnight, due to which the skin around the mouth begins to peel off, and oral dermatitis or herpes may even appear.

The best anti-flaking remedies

If, as a result of an examination by a dermatologist, it was revealed that the skin near the lips is peeling not due to any gastrointestinal diseases or hormonal imbalances, then to get rid of the defects it will be enough to use cosmetics.

  1. Alpha hydroxy acids, or, in other words, AHA acids. Despite the aggressive name for an anti-peeling agent, these acids are completely safe when used correctly. They are used for many problems with the dermis, as they perform the function of exfoliating peeling. It is recommended to use creams, peelings and tonics with alpha acids if the skin around the mouth is peeling - they will relieve you of traces of peeling. If used no more than 2-3 times a week in the dark, they will not cause harm, but they cannot be used in the sun. Acids only affect the top layer of the skin and do not penetrate deeper, so it is impossible to worsen the condition of the face with them.

Attention! You should start with small doses of acids - for example, first purchase a product from “White Flax”, then from “Bark”, and when the skin gets used to it, you can look at the 30% AHA peeling from The Ordinary.

  1. The AEvit series from the Russian brand Libriderm. The line includes: gel for washing, face mask, face cream and separately for the area around the eyes, hygienic lipsticks that will not allow peeling to affect the lips. The care is aimed at softening, eliminating peeling, nourishing, and is especially relevant in winter and autumn. It also smoothes out fine wrinkles. In the composition of AEvit products you can find a complex of vitamins A, E, herbal components - extracts of raspberry, edelweiss, rosemary. Also take a closer look at the series with hyaluronic acid.
  2. Sulfur soap. It perfectly helps with irritation of the skin around the mouth, if it is flaky, red, tight. Using a soft sponge or konjac, the foam is fine, fluffy, and does not harm the lips if it accidentally gets on them. But sulfur has a specific smell, which should be taken into account.

Special mention should be made for the treatment of peeling and spots resulting from allergies or urticaria. In this case, it is recommended to use drugs containing loratodine, but the dosage and frequency of use must be indicated by a doctor.

Before choosing any of these products, pay attention to the contraindications under which their use is prohibited.

Some useful home recipes against peeling lips:


To ensure that the process of treating skin from peeling is absolutely safe, before using the product, pay attention to its composition. You must be absolutely sure that there are no alcohols or substances to which you are allergic, even if these are herbal supplements that are effective against the problem.

You should not use creams and other products with vitamins A and E if there is an excess of these substances in the body, and acids should be put aside during active sun exposure or if your skin is very thin and sensitive.

Attention! If a child has peeling, none of these methods (except going to the doctor) will work.


Peeling around the lips is a common defect, but it becomes a real problem only in rare cases of any diseases or disorders in the body. If it is caused by improper care or nutrition, or cold weather, then you can get rid of it with the help of cosmetics.