Dry skin in a 2 month old baby

Dry skin in a baby is a very common problem in the first months of his life. Dry skin, peeling and microcracks on the face, legs or other parts of the body bother the baby and make him feel uncomfortable. But loving parents are able to help their child.

Causes of dry skin in babies

According to pediatricians and dermatologists, in the vast majority of cases, dryness on the surface of the baby’s skin is a natural phenomenon, which naturally follows from changes in the surrounding microclimate. The newborn's skin has not fully adapted to the air environment after the warm and humid mother's womb.

However, dry and flaky skin in a baby may well be a signal of insufficient care or illness.

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Monitor the air temperature and humidity level in the children's room - the optimal indicators are 18-20 degrees and 70%, respectively.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky formulated the following rules for caring for newborns:

  1. The ideal air temperature in a children's room should be 18-20 °C. Air humidity reaches 50-70%.

To achieve these parameters, an air humidifier or a large aquarium in the baby's room is suitable.

  1. Daily wet cleaning of the premises without the use of chemicals.
  2. The absence of things in the interior that accumulate a lot of dust (carpets, large fabric toys).
  3. Materials for clothing and bedding should be natural, without harmful dyes.

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Children's hypoallergenic cream "Umka" combines both properties - moisturizes and soothes. This cream helps protect delicate skin, reduces inflammation, and has healing properties. It does not contain parabens. Ingredients: panthenol, chamomile extract and olive oil.


French emulsion Mustela Stelatopia moisturizes the skin, restores elasticity, eliminates redness and itching. Designed specifically for dry baby skin, fast-acting.


Johnson's Baby Cream (gentle care) has a softening, moisturizing and nourishing effect. The aroma of the product is pleasant, no fragrances are used. The composition contains extracts of aloe, chamomile, olive, sunflower and soybean oil.


Baby cream "Freedom" familiar to everyone in the post-Soviet space. The natural components of the composition and low cost attract parents. The product is effective for diaper rash, prickly heat, helps get rid of burning, itching, refreshes and moisturizes the skin.

How to properly bathe a baby with dry skin

If your baby suffers from dry skin, Experts recommend bathing every other day. In the first 30 days of a child's life, water must be boiled and filtered.

Potassium permanganate should not be added to the bath: Dermatologists emphasize that it has a drying effect on the skin.

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  1. Is the air sufficiently humidified?
  2. Is wet cleaning carried out daily?
  3. How often are heaters or air conditioners used? Is the air temperature comfortable for the baby?
  4. Has the baby's behavior become restless?
  5. How long ago have changes in the condition of your skin become noticeable?
  6. Does the child come into contact with synthetic fabrics (clothing, toys)?
  7. Has your son or daughter's diet changed recently?
  8. Have you tested for food allergens?
  9. Is the baby's hygiene carried out carefully and accurately enough (especially after urination and defecation)?
  10. Is the water too hot for swimming?

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