Dry newborn skin peeling

Redness and peeling of the skin, various types of rashes on the body of newborns are one of the most common problems with which young mothers turn to pediatricians, both in the first month and throughout the entire infant period. Peeling and slight redness appear in almost all infants, and in most babies practically no treatment is required. It is necessary to understand the causes of these skin manifestations and eliminate them as soon as possible.

Why does my baby's skin peel?

When the baby is in the womb, the whole body is covered with vernix, which is a viscous grayish secretion. This substance protects the baby's delicate skin and facilitates passage through the birth canal during childbirth. Immediately after birth, the baby’s body is completely covered with this “protective layer of mucus.” Previously, the midwife would gently wipe the baby, carefully removing the secretion, but today many pediatricians and neonatologists believe that the lubricant should not be intentionally removed - it ensures the baby’s skin adapts to the new environment (from “water” to “air”) and prevents the skin from drying out. Complete absorption of vernix lubrication into the skin occurs during the first two to three days of life.

Then, on the third day of life, its remains in the folds or behind the ears should be removed with ordinary vegetable oil, boiled in a water bath and slightly warmed before use.

But even if everything is done correctly and the original lubricant is not removed, but is absorbed into the skin, peeling and even peeling of the surface epithelium of the skin (the skin “peeles”) or drying out is often observed. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the skin of a newborn or infant after bathing.

The causes of peeling skin in a newborn can be:

1) adaptation

The baby spent a long period of time in the comfortable microclimate of his mother’s tummy and suddenly found himself in a new world, to the conditions of which all organs and systems of the body, including the skin, must adapt. She comes into contact with air, various types of clothing, diapers, and gradually everything returns to normal. Therefore, if the baby’s skin looks healthy (without swelling, redness and swelling), and the baby does not feel discomfort and is calm, you should not pay special attention to various types of peeling – everything will gradually improve.

2) dry air

Of great importance is the level of air humidity in the children's room, which normally ranges from 55 to 70%. Only under these conditions will the child’s skin not feel discomfort, and the baby will not feel thirsty and suffer from dry skin and mucous membranes. To check the level of moisture in the air, a special device is used - a hydrometer, which is located near the baby’s permanent location, most often a crib. At low humidity levels, use various air humidifiers and place containers with water in the room, but with mandatory humidity control. Humidifiers are used not only in summer, but also in winter, due to drying of the air during the heating season. Low humidity levels in the apartment have a negative impact on the health of the baby:

  1. persistent peeling of the skin in a newborn is observed, sometimes significant detachment of the epidermis can be observed, and this significantly increases the risk of the addition of pathogenic microflora, especially with mechanical damage to the skin (scratches, diaper rash, dermatitis);
  2. — due to thirst, there are disturbances in eating and sleeping patterns;
  3. the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are more susceptible to the effects of viruses.

3) improper skin care of a newborn baby

A big mistake today, especially with increased dry skin, is bathing newborns in water with the addition of potassium permanganate (previously, this was often recommended by specialists for the active healing of the umbilical wound and to prevent secondary infection and the development of omphalitis). These recommendations were considered erroneous due to the strong drying effect of the potassium permanganate solution. It is considered most correct to bathe the baby in boiled, settled water without any additives in the form of aromatic mixtures and even herbs (this can cause an allergic reaction). In the future, after the skin has adapted, it is possible to use weak decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs (in the absence of individual intolerance and allergies). It is recommended to use special baby soap no more than once a week; it also has a drying effect. It is necessary to pay special attention to the reaction of the baby’s skin after bathing; if there is redness and excessive peeling, it is necessary to replace the soap and/or shampoo; perhaps these are the first manifestations of an allergic reaction to these cosmetics.

4) reaction to natural factors

The skin of a newborn baby is extremely vulnerable and delicate, and in the first months of life, the skin and mucous membranes do not have active protective functions and therefore are often exposed to various external (natural) irritants. Redness and peeling of the skin often appear after the first walk, when the baby first encounters direct exposure to the skin of sunlight, wind or cold air. Therefore, the baby’s skin needs to be protected from all these natural factors - with a stroller visor, clothing or a translucent cape over the stroller or the newborn’s face until he is fully adapted.

The skin on the baby's body is peeling

You should always remember that any negative manifestations on the skin are an indicator of the baby’s health and there are a large number of different factors that provoke peeling of the skin, therefore, you should determine the cause, and if it is a pathology, cure the disease. The most common causes of prolonged peeling and persistent redness of the skin are diathesis, an allergic reaction to various agents (powder, synthetic clothing and bedding, bathing mixtures and rubbing oils), intestinal problems, fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Therefore, if these symptoms appear or worsen, you need to contact a specialist to diagnose and prescribe timely treatment for the child.

The skin on the baby's head is peeling

Quite often the cause of flaking of the scalp in newborns and infants is seborrheic dermatitis. This pathology develops at two or three months of age and goes away on its own by the age of one year. Seborrheic dermatitis in infants is associated with the immaturity of sweat and other glands, and there is excessive secretion of sebum, which causes flaking of the skin. By the twelfth month of life, their differentiation occurs, and all the baby’s symptoms completely disappear.

In case of pathology of the sweat and fat glands as a result of their underdevelopment or inflammation, endocrine or metabolic diseases, the signs of seborrheic dermatitis persist for quite a long time, so parents need to consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

The skin on the forehead (eyebrows) of the baby is peeling

Any deviations in the normal functioning of the body appear on the skin.

The main reasons that cause peeling skin on the face include:

  1. unfavorable weather and natural factors (sun, strong wind, frost); infectious agents;
  2. allergic reaction to medications or food.

To identify the main cause, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the situation: determine the time and duration of peeling of the skin on the baby’s face and compare it with the introduction of a new formula, complementary foods, or medication. When determining the cause of peeling on your own, you need to adjust the menu or discontinue the medication or replace it with an alternative option (after consulting a specialist).

A new little man has come into our world. A change in habitat cannot but affect his well-being. Everything was fine in the maternity hospital, but after a couple of days at home, something was clearly wrong with the baby. The delicate baby skin turns red and then becomes rough, with white scales. The face shows signs of flaking and dry skin.

For what reasons does a baby have peeling skin on the face, head and body? How to help your child in this case and how to prevent the situation from happening again? Let's look into everything in more detail.

Why does a newborn's skin peel on the head, face and body?

There are not many reasons that can cause peeling of the skin on the body of a newborn baby. The first of them is purely physiological. In this case, peeling is just an adaptive reaction of the body. And the second is the body’s obvious response to the pathological process.

Physiological peeling

It's all about the transition from life in amniotic fluid to an air habitat. Immediately after birth, the baby's skin is covered with vernix. It dries out and remains in the folds on the baby's body and behind the ears. Naturally, the mother diligently removes it from the newborn’s body, and its remains are also wiped off on diapers and baby diapers. All this provokes redness of the baby’s skin, which experts call physiological erythema.

Flushed skin, deprived of the protection provided by the original lubricant, is forced to adapt to the fact that now there is not moisture around, but air. And she does this, however, in a very unique way for parents. Until the sebaceous glands, which seem to lubricate the child’s natural “clothing,” work at full capacity, forming a stable lipid film, the epidermis dries out. The upper layer of the epidermis, the epithelium, dries out, the cells die and flake off. And at the same time you see small white scales on the baby’s skin, which becomes rough.

In this case, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of, nature is a smart woman, everything is provided for in her and goes on as usual. Once the epidermis learns to interact with air, producing enough sebum to protect itself, the peeling will stop on its own. This usually takes from 5 days to a week.

Pathological peeling

The second reason why the epithelium exfoliates is pathological, and it is called atopic dermatitis. This is the body's response to the action of allergens. Maybe the mother ate something wrong, or the washing powder is not suitable for the baby. An allergic reaction to the epidermis is manifested by dryness, redness, peeling, and in severe cases, itching and rash. But such a diagnosis can only be made by an experienced pediatrician or neonatologist after conducting appropriate research.

However, most often in newborns under the age of two weeks, the first variant of peeling is registered, that is, the physiological adaptive reaction of the dermis to environmental factors.

A newborn has dry, flaky skin - how to help?

If it's just a matter of physiology, there's little you can do to help. Until the child “sheds” and the original epithelial cells are replaced with ones more resistant to the new environment, no creams, oils or lotions will help. Any cosmetics will simply moisturize the dried and long-dead epithelium, masking the problem from the watchful eye of the parent. But, in fact, the epidermis will continue to peel off, only now it will roll off on clothes and a diaper.

The only thing that would be reasonable on your part is not to dry out the newborn’s skin even more. To do this, it is important to control the microclimate of the room (air humidity should be kept between 50-70%), refuse to use soap and shampoo every day for babies, and do not add magartz, salt, or whatever your worried grandmother will advise you to do. If the skin is peeling, but the child is calm, eats and sleeps well, there is no need to worry. The body will put itself in order, it just needs time.

A newborn has atopic dermatitis - what to do?

It’s another matter when the baby becomes restless against the background of peeling, the appetite worsens, and the newborn’s stool is disrupted during breastfeeding, as well as during artificial or mixed feeding. In this case, the first thing you can do is show the baby to a specialist.

After confirming the diagnosis by exclusion, together with the doctor, you need to determine the cause of the allergic reaction. It could be:

  1. errors in mother's nutrition during breastfeeding;
  2. incorrectly selected mixture for “artificial”;
  3. allergenic substances in baby care products or diaper impregnation;
  4. unsuitable detergent;
  5. allergenic cosmetics, soap and/or shampoo from the mother;
  6. presence of pets in the apartment;
  7. synthetic clothing or diapers for the baby;
  8. poor-quality paint on the fabrics from which children's clothing is made.

In general, the reason could be anything. And here the treatment is simple - find and eliminate what provokes such a reaction in the child’s body. While you are looking, it is better to bathe your baby in boiled water with the addition of a decoction of string or chamomile (they disinfect but do not dry the skin), and no more than once a day. In addition, it would also be a good idea to take care of the microclimate and humidity. In severe cases, the doctor will prescribe drug treatment, including all kinds of creams and gels for the skin. But the main thing is to eliminate what the child is allergic to, and atopic dermatitis will slowly disappear.


If the body’s goal has been achieved, and it has already “molted,” this does not mean that the epidermis will not begin to peel off again. And here it’s no longer a matter of being a newborn. There are a number of factors that will still provoke periodic drying of the epidermis and peeling:

  1. dryness in the room;
  2. frequent bathing;
  3. frequent use of cleansers and skincare cosmetics;
  4. weather factors during the walk (moisture + wind or intense sunlight).

It is important to understand that peeling is not fatal and is quite normal, as the dermis is renewed, becoming stronger with each “molting”. But why provoke this trouble if you can avoid it:

  1. carry out wet cleaning of the room every day, ventilate it;
  2. install a hydrometer to monitor air humidity;
  3. buy a special humidifier if the room is always dry;
  4. if it is not possible to purchase a humidifier, you can place jars of water around the room or hang wet towels, especially during the heating season;
  5. do not walk in strong wind, rain or hot sun;
  6. bathe your baby once a day in water without adding potassium permanganate;
  7. use baby soap and shampoo no more than once every 6-7 days;
  8. Rinse baby clothes well when washing (most washing machines have an extra rinse function when washing).

In the case of prevention of atopic dermatitis as a cause of peeling of the epidermis in a newborn, all allergenic foods should be excluded from the mother's diet during breastfeeding. It is also worth reconsidering the choice of manufacturer brands for your own and children's care cosmetics, laundry, cleaning and dishwashing products. Ideally, you should clearly find out what the baby is allergic to and exclude this object from the baby’s life until he grows up and outgrows this unpleasant moment.

How to properly care for your newborn's skin

The basic rule for caring for a baby’s epidermis is not to make unnecessary movements. The baby’s body does not need any of your interventions in the process of its adaptation to independent life. Therefore, it is important not to interfere with its work. Over time, the baby’s epidermis will learn to produce a sufficient amount of sebum, creating a reliable lipid barrier over itself. It will protect the baby’s delicate skin from drying out, chapping and excessive sun exposure.

  1. it must be clean;
  2. it must be dry;
  3. Contact with anything that can irritate it (aggressive household chemicals, synthetic fabrics, etc.) must be excluded.

It is enough to bathe the baby once a day; if necessary, it is better to simply wash the baby under the tap or wipe off the dirt with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water. Soap and shampoo should be used about once a week; this will be enough to keep your skin clean, but not enough to dry out your delicate skin. And put potassium permanganate away; in addition to disinfection, it also dries out the epidermis greatly, and a newborn does not need this.

After hygiene procedures, there is no need to rub the newborn with a towel; it is enough to just get wet and leave the newborn naked for a while so that the remaining water dries up on its own. It is advisable to leave the baby naked for some time several times a day - air baths will help the skin quickly adapt to the environment.

The child’s clothes, yours, diapers, sheets, etc. should be made exclusively from natural materials, ideally cotton. This is the best fabric for babies. It allows the epidermis to breathe and does not irritate it. A separate topic is dyes for this fabric, which can ruin even high-quality cotton. Therefore, buy things only in stores where these things have a quality certificate.

Do not forget to take into account that a diaper on a baby creates some discomfort for his dermis. It will always be humid and hot there, so using baby powder is more than justified. The choice of this hygienic device should also be approached responsibly - not all impregnations that manufacturers use are as safe as they are written on the packaging. But only trial and error will help here - if the neighbor’s boy is not allergic to one brand, it is not a fact that it will suit your newborn.

Recommendations for caring mothers and fathers

If you are too worried about peeling and definitely want to put something on your child, please do so. But choose a cosmetic product wisely; it must meet the basic selection criteria:

  1. the composition should not contain preservatives, dyes or fragrances;
  2. the bottle must contain all the information about the product, expiration dates must be in order, it must be marked “for children from 0”;
  3. there must be clear instructions for use that you must read;
  4. try to choose creams or lotions with a light texture that will not clog pores.

A baby's cosmetic bag with dry skin may include:

  1. Moisturizing cream. Most often it is used after a walk in order to level out the moment of chapping, or at home when there are signs of peeling of the skin. When using, it is important to strictly follow the instructions, especially the part that says how many times a day you can use the care product.
  2. Emollients. This is a new word in moisturizing children's skin. Such products not only moisturize the epidermis in the generally accepted sense, they form a lipid surface on it, which prevents the evaporation of moisture and, as a result, drying out of the epidermis.
  3. Oils. This is “heavy artillery” if creams and emollients fail. Most often they are used under a diaper, where the skin is subject to excessive friction and contact with urine and feces.
  4. Sunscreens. This is true in the summer when there is too much sun. Yes, it is useful for the baby, but in doses. It makes sense to use such products when you are going to be in the sun for several hours in a row.

Peeling on the skin of a newborn’s body and face is one thing. Peeling of the scalp or the notorious crusts look a little different; they are dark and often frighten vigilant parents. But in fact, it is simply hypersecretion of the glands that colors the scales in a darkish color. It’s important to remember here that you don’t need to scratch them with your nails or a comb, as this can cause an infection on your baby’s skin. It is better to soak them in baby oil and then carefully remove them. If there is a desire, because over time they will disappear by themselves in any case.

Video: why a newborn’s skin peels

In this video, the pediatrician explains why the epidermis begins to peel off in very young children, and whether anything needs to be done about it.

Not only are you in the process of recovering from childbirth, but so is your newborn. A lot has changed in his life recently, and he needs to get used to all these changes. Peeling of the skin is one of the adaptive mechanisms of the baby’s body; thus, the epidermis gets rid of the upper layer of epithelium, replacing it with a new layer of cells more adapted to life in a new environment. Of course, if we are not talking about an allergic reaction in the form of atopic dermatitis. This is already irritation of the dermis, a pathology, the cause of which is important to eliminate, otherwise any treatment will be ineffective.

But most often, the baby’s skin peels off precisely because the process of adaptation to life in the air is underway. And in this case, it is important for you not to interfere with her adaptation to new living conditions, especially if the peeling does not bother the newborn in any way. Otherwise, it is better to consult a doctor.

The content of the article:

  1. What does peeling look like and how to distinguish it from symptoms of the disease?
  2. Why baby's skin peels: 5 reasons
  3. How to help?
  4. What is important for mom to know?

What does peeling look like and how can it be distinguished from symptoms of the disease?

So what we see:

  1. e single lesions (most often one or two), which can be located on any part of the body and limbs (head, forehead, arms, legs, neck and cheeks, butt, back, etc.);
  2. small white flakes resembling dandruff, usually dry, easily removed from the surface of the skin;
  3. small cracks in the skin with whitish edges may be visible;
  4. the baby, as a rule, is not bothered by their presence, is in a great mood and has a good appetite;
  5. keratinized particles can be easily removed and do not cause pain when removing them;
  6. the surrounding skin is not inflamed, there is no redness or swelling. The scales do not injure the skin when trying to remove them, and the epidermis itself is not covered with purulent crusts.

All these are symptoms that the baby’s skin lacks moisture and is flaking. Well, if there is (or literally on the face) redness, itching, bloody cracks, purulent exudate and noticeably restless behavior of the baby, then immediately show him to the pediatrician and dermatologist!

5 reasons for peeling skin in a newborn

So, the main causes of problems with dry skin in a newborn:

  1. The baby gets used to the new environment, his body adapts to the new conditions. This is the most common cause of skin peeling, which, however, goes away as suddenly as it started. After birth, the newborn exchanges the comfortable, but already so cramped, warm mother’s belly for an open and huge world. The skin in the first weeks of life, still thin and vulnerable, reacts accordingly to environmental factors. Time will pass, and the baby’s skin will “learn”, get used to it, and everything will fall into place.

In my mother’s belly, vernix lubrication played a certain protective role, which can remain in the folds of the skin for the first week of life. Then the skin is deprived of it, rebuilt, the sebaceous glands begin to work at full strength, secreting sebum in order to protect the epidermis;

  1. Errors when caring for a child and errors in hygiene procedures. What does it mean? Well, what do you think, why all this “dancing with a tambourine” regarding children's hygiene, especially the hygiene of newborns? Bath only in boiled water, add all sorts of decoctions and antiseptics to the water, and the industry of children's cosmetics and care products has generally reached a new level. You can’t imagine everything: care oils, creams, powders, wipes with a neutral ph, hypoallergenic bathing foams, etc.

All this is necessary only to ensure that the child’s thin and currently defenseless skin is not injured and looks healthy and well-groomed. All these products are aimed at eliminating peeling, redness and rashes. Chlorinated tap water dries out the skin of an adult, let alone a very small one.
By the way, about antiseptics when swimming. Manganese, that same pink crystalline powder that Soviet-era women loved to add to their baby baths, dries out the skin and can cause unpleasant symptoms like these. Be careful!

  1. Reaction to mother's diet. Nevertheless, such manifestations should be considered more allergic, since such hypersensitivity of the baby to foods eaten by the mother can manifest itself not only in dry skin and the formation of crusts, but also in more serious symptoms. Often appearing “red cheeks” after a hearty snack of mother’s boobs should be doubly alarming. Try to eliminate the cause, and the problem of sensitive skin will resolve itself;
  2. Insufficient air humidity in the nursery – the most common problem that we face, mainly during the heating season. Newborns are very sensitive to the lack of humidity in the room, even if it is insignificant according to the sensations of an adult, so it is important not only to properly care for the baby’s skin, but also to maintain temperature and humidity conditions;
  3. Response to weather conditions. Although nature does not have bad weather for us, wind and sun can damage the delicate coverings of a baby, which can result in dryness and flaking.

All these troubles, of course, are fixable, and, in the vast majority of cases, with proper care they go away on their own. On average, adaptation may take a month from the moment of birth, and isolated peeling, for example, like seborrhea on the head, can bother you for several months. The main thing is to monitor the situation and at the slightest change in the skin (redness, swelling, the appearance of wounds, a rapidly increasing area of ​​damage) immediately see a specialist.

How to help?

Now it’s worth telling how to deal with such manifestations and whether it needs to be done at all. Dry skin in children is not a disease in itself, and therefore does not require drug treatment. Please note that we are talking specifically about dry skin, and not peeling due to an allergic reaction, skin diseases and other pathological conditions.

If the skin of a newborn is peeling, then it is enough to provide proper care, provide a comfortable microclimate and do not forget about hygiene. Here are the three main guarantees of your child’s comfortable well-being and radiant, well-groomed skin.

  1. If necessary, keratinized particles of the epidermis are removed with a cotton pad moistened with water or oil, after which the skin should be moisturized with any suitable care product. There should be no wounds, and small cracks can be treated with ointments and creams containing panthenol (Bepanten ointment is often used for children from diaper rash and similar skin problems).
  2. No one has canceled water procedures, but they should not be abused either. Daily night bathing is acceptable after discharge from the hospital using hypoallergenic moisturizing cosmetics intended for children from birth.
  3. Air procedures are the key to a good mood and glowing skin, you should remember this. Morning rituals with changing diapers, massage and treatment of the navel and all favorite folds are carried out naked, and then we dress in our favorite and so comfortable cotton bodysuit.
  4. If the baby (read: mother) is bothered by seborrheic crusts on the head, then caring for them is very similar to dry areas of body skin. The problem area is soaked with warm water, baby cream or oil, after which the keratinized areas are safely removed using a soft brush with natural bristles (pharmacies and children's stores sell special brushes-combs for babies with soft bristles) or a cotton pad.

What is important for mom to know?

Well, I would like to give some recommendations to parents on how to care for their children’s delicate skin:

  1. and use only children's cosmetics appropriate for the child's age, as well as specialized products for bathing and washing children's clothes. Fortunately, there are no problems with the assortment now: a huge selection of hypoallergenic products in any price segment;
  2. Even the softest towel can damage baby's skin. Do not wipe, but gently blot the baby’s body after water procedures;
  3. shortly before a walk, especially in sunny, frosty or windy weather, treat exposed skin with a protective cream;
  4. Some herbal remedies take care of children's skin. But be sure that the baby is not allergic to herbs. And forget about manganese. Be sure to boil water or use soft spring water for children's baths;
  5. moisturizing creams or ointments with healing ingredients should definitely be in your arsenal. Their constant use will allow you to achieve good results;
  6. place a humidifier in the children's room or try to maintain sufficient humidity in the room using wet towels on radiators or containers with water;
  7. review your baby's wardrobe. Clothing and bedding should not be made from synthetic fabrics. Only natural, breathable and body-pleasant materials;
  8. Do not restrict your baby from breast milk and provide him with adequate nutrition. But you shouldn’t forget about your diet: introduce new foods with caution in the first two months of the baby’s life, carefully monitoring his body’s reaction.