
Sulfanomycin is an antimicrobial drug belonging to the group of sulfonamides, a derivative of sulfonic acid. In this topic, we will look at the trade names of sulfamonocytin, the active substance contained in 50 mg tablets.

Main indications for use: * - Bronchitis; * - Tracheitis; * - Pharyngitis; * Laryngitis; * Otitis media.

Contraindications for use: - Hypersensitivity; - Impaired liver and kidney functions; - Blood diseases; Megaloblastic anemia; Porphyria; Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency; Pathological processes in the blood. Common side effects: Headaches, dizziness; Lethargy; nausea and vomiting; Diarrhea; Interstitial nephrosis; Tubular necrosis; With crystalluria; Hematuria; Liver dysfunction; Photohypersensitivity; hypocoagulation; changes in blood formula; Methemoglobinommia; allergies: Stevens Johnson syndrome.

Situations when sulfamonocetamone preparations are best replaced with other antibiotics should be taken into account. The use of this antibiotic should be agreed with the attending physician.