Sulphobromophthalein Test

Sulphobromophthalein test: main aspects and application

The sulphobromophthalein test, also known as the bromosulfophthalein test, is an important tool in medical diagnosis and liver function tests. It is used to assess the function of the biliary system and assess the retention time of the gallbladder.

The principle of operation of the sulfobromophthalein test is based on the ability of this dye to bind to bile acids and be excreted from the body through bile. The sample is injected into the patient's body intravenously and its processing by the liver and excretion through the gallbladder is monitored.

One of the main uses of the sulfobromophthalein test is to assess the function of the biliary system. After introducing the sample into the patient’s body, specialists can measure the rate of excretion of the dye and evaluate the efficiency of the bile ducts. This allows us to identify the presence of obstruction or dysfunction of the biliary system, which may be associated with various pathologies, such as cholelithiasis, gallbladder, or liver tumors.

In addition, the sulfobromophthalein test can be used to assess gallbladder retention time. After administering the sample, the patient is asked to eat food containing fat, which stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder. Experts can then measure the time from ingestion to the elimination of sulfobromophthalein. This allows you to assess the rate of emptying of the gallbladder and identify possible violations of its function.

The sulphobromophthalein test is a safe and relatively short procedure that is routinely performed in a clinical environment. It can be useful in diagnosing various diseases of the liver and biliary system, as well as in assessing the effectiveness of treatment.

However, like any medical procedure, the sulfobromophthalein test has its limitations and risks. Some patients may experience discomfort or allergic reactions to the test. Practitioners must consider all factors and conduct an appropriate pre-assessment of the patient before performing the procedure.

In conclusion, the sulfobromophthalein test is an important tool in medical diagnosis and liver function testing. It allows you to evaluate the function of the biliary system and the retention time of the gallbladder. The use of this test can help in identifying obstructions, dysfunctions and other pathologies associated with the biliary tract.

However, before performing a sulfobromophthalein test, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and contraindications. Patients with known allergies to sample components or acute liver failure may be excluded from the procedure. You should also take into account possible side effects, including nausea, vomiting or allergic reactions.

The sulphobromophthalein test is a safe and effective method for assessing the function of the liver and biliary system. It has high diagnostic value and can help in making decisions about further treatment measures. However, as with any medical test, the results of the sulfobromophthalein test must be interpreted in the context of other clinical data and the patient's specific situation.

In general, the sulfobromophthalein test is a useful tool for assessing the function of the liver and biliary system. It can be used in clinical practice for the diagnosis and monitoring of various pathological conditions. However, before using it, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and take all precautions to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Sulfobromine test is a method for determining the activity of leukocytes in a blood sample. Using this test, the approximate number of leukocytes circulating in the patient’s blood is determined.

In a solution of sodium chloride mixed with bromine sulfate, red colorless cells appear when blood is added. The resulting areas are leukot crystals deposited on the walls of the test tube