Sulfocamphoric Acid

Sulfocamphonic acid is an analeptic drug that is used to treat various diseases of the central nervous system. It is a chemical compound from the sulfonic acid group, which contains four sulfur atoms and two carboxyl groups.

The manufacturer of acid sulfone is the Irbit Chemical Industrial and Pharmaceutical Plant in Russia. Sulfones are substances that have broad pharmacological activity and are used to treat inflammatory diseases, tuberculosis, tumors and other diseases.

Sulfonic acid has several basic properties. It increases the activity of the respiratory center in the brain, increases the frequency and depth of breathing, and stimulates the work of the heart and peripheral vessels. In addition, sulfonic acid has an anabolic effect, that is, it promotes protein synthesis in body tissues.

Indications for the use of acid sulfone may vary depending on the disease, but in general it is used for cardiovascular failure, coronary heart disease, cerebral hypoxia and hemorrhagic strokes. Sulfone has also been used for schizophrenia, endocarditis, pneumonia and hypotension.

Sulfone acid can also be used to stimulate cognitive functions or to reduce the sedative effects of benzodiazepines and barbiturates, which is used in addiction medicine. Some studies have shown that sulfone can prevent damage to the retina after laser light pulses.

Contraindications in the use of sulfone are due to its toxic effect on the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. It may cause dizziness, headache, depression, agitation, disturbances in consciousness, seizures, sleep disturbances, changes in metabolism, excessive blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and some other side effects. In conclusion, it should be noted that oxygen sulfone truly deserves great respect since its versatility of action and breadth of application places it between the first steps