
A superfluous (or extra, superfluous) tooth is a tooth that has erupted beyond the normal number of teeth.

Most people have 32 teeth - 8 in each jaw. However, sometimes an additional 33rd or even 34th tooth erupts. This occurs in approximately 1-3% of the population.

The reasons for the appearance of excess teeth are not completely clear. It is believed that this is due to genetic abnormalities during tooth formation.

Extra teeth can erupt in both the upper and lower jaws. Most often they appear in the area of ​​incisors and premolars.

Having an extra tooth can lead to crowding and malocclusion. Additionally, a superfluous tooth can be a source of chronic infection due to poor hygiene or malposition.

For treatment, the excess tooth is removed and the bite is normalized using braces or other orthodontic structures. Also, sometimes an excess tooth can be saved if it is not in the way.

Extra teeth are one of the most common defects in dentistry. They can be either permanent or temporary, and arise as a result of disruption of the development of teeth or their removal.

Excess teeth can be dangerous to your health, as they can lead to improper distribution of stress on the jaw and cause various diseases of the teeth and gums. In addition, they can lead to disruption of the aesthetics of the smile and cause discomfort for the patient.

To remove excess teeth, you must contact your dentist. The removal procedure can be quite complex and requires professional assistance. The doctor must determine which tooth needs to be removed and perform the operation with minimal risks to the patient.

After removing an excess tooth, treatment must be carried out to prevent possible complications. Depending on the situation, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics, painkillers, and other medications to alleviate the patient's condition.

In general, excess teeth are a serious problem for the health and beauty of teeth, so it is necessary to contact your dentist at the first sign of this defect.

A supernumerary tooth, or as it is also called, a supernumerary tooth, is one of the most common dental diseases. It can be either a permanent or temporary tooth, which does not correspond to the normal number of teeth in a person.

The causes of excess teeth can be various, such as genetic factors, abnormal dental development during pregnancy, or lack of calcium in the body.

Symptoms of an excess tooth usually appear as an unusual tooth position, size, or color. However, it is not always possible to determine the presence of an excess tooth without a dental examination.

Treatment of an excess tooth can be either surgical or therapeutic. Surgical treatment includes tooth extraction, and therapeutic treatment includes treatment of concomitant diseases and complications.

Overall, excess teeth can lead to various health problems such as malocclusion, tooth decay, gum disease, etc. Therefore, if you notice any unusual symptoms in your teeth, be sure to contact your dentist for diagnosis and treatment.