Supratrochlear-ulnar muscle

Muscles are a complex physiological system of organs in the human body.

Muscles play a key role in the functioning of our body. They allow us to move, maintain balance and regulate various processes in the body. Muscles can be given many characteristics: length, shape, location, size and degree of contraction. There are many different types of muscles in the human body, but in this article we will look at the supratrochlear muscles.

What is the supragleus-pulmonary muscle?

The supra-elbow muscles (m. epitrochoeleanconeus BNA) located on the outside of the ulna. From the side of the body, this muscle is located on the surface of the skin and only the ribbed surface of the humerus does not protrude in this place. Near the outer surface of the humerus, the anterior intermuscular branch of the radial muscle (lateral interosseous muscle) passes under the skin. This location is used to judge the safety of the muscle.

When we make a gesture - when we begin to bend the upper limbs at the wrist joint and turn the palms inward of the shoulder, a small girdle muscle between the two bones of the wrist and the front part of the radius comes into play and the contraction of the external interosseous and suprapepochal - ulnar muscles begins. As you can see, they act in an antagonistically opposite order, namely the supraplitus anconeus muscle helps the interosseous muscles in their contraction. Yes, above the glare

Muscle supra- and sub-brow supinator muscles, interosseous muscles of the palm. and rear. The broad palmar tendons that extend the elbow are the medial muscles of the shoulder. Actually, the supra- and sub-brow muscles begin with a tendon from the lower edge and base of the lunate bone; the back of the supra-brow muscle continues in the form of a posterior instep support to the top. third of the interosseous membrane of the hand