Sutton Nevus

Sutton's leukoderma (Centrifugal acquired leukoderma) is a rare skin disease caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation in certain areas of the skin. It is characterized by the appearance of white spots that spread across the skin from the center of the face to the periphery. This disease can have serious consequences on a person's health and appearance.

The mechanism of the disease is not fully understood, however, it is believed that it is associated with damage to melanocytes - the cells responsible for the synthesis of melanin - the pigment that determines skin color. It is noted that mostly men aged 20-30 years are affected, and predominantly with brown and white spots.

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. Typically, the presence of white spots on the patient's face or body suggests possible centrifugal acquired leukoderma, and no additional diagnostic methods are required. However, the doctor needs to evaluate whether the white spots are of a skin nature or are they the result of an underlying disease, such as dermatitis or other skin pathology. For example, in severe forms of diffuse phototoxic erythema, white skin elements may also appear, so this combination of clinical manifestations can also be considered a sign of centrifugal leukoderma.

Treatment. The basis of treatment of the disease is the elimination of the negative factors of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. This approach includes the use of creams and ointments with a high content of UV blockers, limiting exposure to direct sunlight both outdoors and in a solarium (being in an open solarium is strictly contraindicated), and the use of sunscreens with a high degree of protection even in cloudy weather . Patients are advised to wear wide-brimmed hats and other protective equipment before going to the beach.

Sutton's nevus, also known as leukoderma, is a skin condition that appears as dark brown or black patches on the skin. These spots can appear on various parts of the body, including the face, neck, arms and legs.

Sutton's nevi is caused by various factors such as infectious diseases, allergies, skin injuries and other skin diseases. However, the most common cause is hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of Sutton neveus include the appearance of brown spots on the body. The spots can vary in size and shape, but are usually darker in color than the surrounding skin. Some patients may also experience itching or flaking of the skin near the spots.