Vaginal tightening agents

They take aloe wood, syti, elecampane, cloves, ramik and a little musk, grind it all, spread it on a woolen rag moistened with maysusan, and insert it into the vagina. They also take two parts of immature galls, one part of fragrant rush flowers, crush them, sift them and insert them into the vagina on rags soaked in wine, inserting them one after the other. Truly, this remedy restores virginity. They also take pine nut shells - four parts, alum - two parts, syti - part, boil it all with fragrant wine, drain it and insert it into the vagina. The rags should be stored in a container with a plugged neck and introduced one by one; this is extremely useful

They boil vinegar, sukk and saffron in fragrant wine, soak a linen rag in it and use it; This product gives a fragrance and heat. Wild cumin also works great in this case.