Drill, Bur (Bur, Burr)

Drill, bur (Bour, Bur) are special instruments used in dentistry and surgery to create holes in teeth and bones. They are metal or ceramic attachments on a drill or other tools to create cavities and holes in the hard tissues of a tooth or bone.

In dentistry, a drill or bur is used to create cavities for fillings, crowns or other orthopedic structures. They can have different shapes and sizes depending on the specific case and type of work.

A surgical bur is used to open bone marrow cavities, for example, during tooth extraction or implantation. It has a special shape and angle to avoid damage to adjacent tissues and provide access to the required area.

Various methods are used to create holes using a bur, including direct and indirect. The direct method involves direct contact of the bur with the tooth or bone, while the indirect method involves the use of special tools and attachments to create holes at a distance from the surface.

Drills and burs are important tools in dentistry and surgical practice, which allow you to create holes in the hard tissues of teeth and bones with high precision and safety. However, their use should only be carried out by experienced specialists to avoid possible complications and damage to surrounding tissues.

A drill, also known as a bur, in dental terminology, is a dental instrument used to form a cavity or bone tissue for a denture. Unlike a bur, a drill is sharpened in a circle and is usually used for working with hard materials.


Drill and bur are two tools that are widely used in dentistry and medicine. They are designed to perform various tasks related to the processing of hard tissues of teeth and bones.

A drill is a special drill used to create cavities in teeth. It has a cone shape and is equipped with cutting teeth that allow you to quickly and efficiently create cavities of the desired depth and shape.

A bur is a surgical instrument used to open the bone marrow cavity during operations on the jaws and other bone structures. It is shaped like a rod, at the end of which there is a cutting tip that allows you to make a cut in the bone.

Both tools have their own characteristics and are used depending on the specific task. However, both of them are essential tools for dentists and surgeons who work on teeth and bones.

A dental drill and bur is a special type of drill that is used to create cavities in teeth. It has a special crown shape that ensures optimal flow and reduces the risk of gum damage during operation.

In addition, the drill is equipped with two flutes that create a unique cutting edge profile. Each groove is oriented differently and controls the width and depth of the cavity, allowing