Light healing

Light therapy is the procedure of using light for medical purposes. Unlike traditional treatments such as surgery or medications, phototherapy uses light to improve health conditions. Light therapy can be used in many areas of medicine, such as ophthalmology, dentistry, gynecology, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology and many others.

Light therapy works effectively by achieving high temperatures in the body's tissues, which improves blood circulation and metabolism. The effectiveness of light therapy is increased by improving blood flow and reducing inflammation in the treated area. Light therapy treatments also have a calming effect, helping to reduce stress and tension after therapy.

One of the main advantages of light therapy is the rapid manifestation of therapeutic results, especially in the treatment of acute and chronic pain syndromes, the consequences of injuries and cosmetic defects. In addition, the treatment period for most types of light therapy takes only a few minutes, and recovery from such therapy does not require additional time or special care.

In addition, light therapy has a wide range of benefits and can be used to treat a variety of diseases. Here are some examples:

- In ophthalmology, phototherapy is used to treat dry eyes, glaucoma, dioptric disorders and various ophthalmic injuries. - Dentists use light therapy to treat gum and oral diseases such as periodontal disease.

Dentists also use dental light therapy for caries, pulpitis, gingivitis and other diseases.

Phototherapy is also used in gynecology, where it is used to support the menstrual cycle, relieve menopausal symptoms and reduce body weight.