Fistula Intestinal-Umbilical

Intestinal-umbilical fistula: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

An entero-umbilical fistula, also known as an umbilical fistula, is a rare medical condition that is characterized by an abnormal passage between the intestine and the umbilical ring. It is a congenital abnormality that can cause discomfort and problems with the digestive system in affected patients. In this article we will look at the causes of intestinal-umbilical fistula, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Intestinal-umbilical fistula is caused by improper development of embryonic tissues during pregnancy. Usually the umbilical ring closes after the baby is born, but in some people it remains open or does not close completely. As a result of this open connection, a fistula can form between the intestine and the umbilical ring.

Symptoms of an intestinal-umbilical fistula can vary depending on its size and location. Some patients may not experience any symptoms, while others may experience the following problems:

  1. Passage of feces or gases through the umbilical opening.
  2. Inflammation and infection in the navel area.
  3. Abdominal pain or discomfort when eating.
  4. Improper digestion and metabolic problems.

Treatment methods:
Treatment of an intestinal-umbilical fistula usually requires surgery. The purpose of the operation is to close the fistula and restore the normal anatomy of the umbilical ring. Depending on the size and complexity of the fistula, various procedures may be required, including an umbilical hernia or umbilical ring repair.

After surgery, patients are advised to follow their doctor's wound care instructions and take rehabilitation measures to ensure full recovery. Regular doctor's visits and examinations may be necessary to monitor the patient's condition after surgery.

In conclusion, entero-umbilical fistula is a rare medical condition that requires careful diagnosis and timely treatment. If you suspect or are experiencing symptoms of an entero-umbilical fistula, consult your doctor for professional advice and treatment.

A fistula in medicine is a pathological anastomosis between two hollow organs or their membranes. Fistulas can be of various origins, some of them are formed during a person’s lifetime (for example, as a result of trauma, surgery), others exist throughout life in the form of congenital malformations. There are purulent, intestinal, urinary, biliary, bronchial and other fistulas.