Fistula Formed

What is a fistula?

A fistula is a narrow channel or cavity in the human body that connects various organs or tissues to each other. It is formed as a result of the inflammatory process and the progression of infection. A fistula can form on the skin, internal organs or tissues. It can be open or closed, that is, have a hole on the surface of the skin. Fistulas can be infectious or non-infectious.

Why do fistulas appear?

The causes of fistulas can be different. These can be injuries, chemical or thermal burns, infections, tumors and other diseases. Fistulas can appear as a result of improper treatment or impaired immunity. Sometimes fistulas occur due to genetic predisposition or heredity. Treatment for fistulas depends on the cause of their occurrence, as well as their type and complexity.

What types of fistulas are there and how to treat them? **Internal fistulas.** Manifested by discharge through the skin. Accompanied by painful sensations. In such cases, emergency hospitalization and immediate intervention in the development of the fistula will be required. They are usually removed surgically. This removes the cause of their formation. Antibacterial drugs and tissue restoration drugs are usually prescribed. **External fistulas** manifest themselves as constant leakage of fluid and discharge of pus. When you palpate the affected area, you can detect inflamed tissue. If internal fistulas are eliminated surgically, then antiseptic treatment and physiotherapy are necessary. Prevention of fistulas Compliance with hygiene standards, regular hygiene procedures, timely treatment of inflammation may help avoid the development of this pathology. To prevent fistula, the following measures must be taken: - Maintaining a high level of the body's immune defense. To do this, you need to follow the correct daily routine, consume enough vitamins and microelements. You also need to avoid overwork and overstrain of the body. - Maintain personal hygiene and regularly wash your hands before eating. - Avoid damage to the skin and mucous membranes, treat wounds and abrasions with antiseptic drugs.

A fistula is a pathological anastomosis that occurs between the anatomical cavities and the external outlet, lined from the inside by the distal part of the ectodermal epithelium. This definition was proposed in 1934 by N. A. Nekrasov. The diagnosis of “fistula” is made by a doctor who, based on the results of the study, determines the amount of necessary treatment measures. Treatment is carried out by a pediatric surgeon or purulent surgery.

Fistula develops as a complication of inflammation of any origin; in surgery, a fistula often develops at the site of a long-term purulent focus - an abscess or phlegmon. The occurrence of a fistula is an indication for active surgical intervention, since a constant flow of pus can lead to infection of internal organs, and the development of intoxication and sepsis is possible. Treatment consists of removing the primary source of inflammation, forming a secondary connective tissue layer (“collar”) and forming a fistula tract through which the internal media drain.