Uretrovaginal fistula (Vesicovaginal fistula)

Urethrovaginal fistula (Vesicovaginalfistula) is a serious disease that leads to urinary incontinence in women. This is an abnormal connection between the bladder and vagina that can occur as a result of various factors.

One of the most common causes of a urethrovaginal fistula is injury to the bladder during gynecological surgery, such as a hysterectomy. Also, a fistula can occur after radiation damage to the bladder, which can occur as a result of radiation therapy in the treatment of malignant tumors of the pelvic organs.

However, in developing countries, the most common cause of urethrovaginal fistula is tissue necrosis, which occurs in women after a long and difficult labor. This is because in these countries access to medical care is limited, and many women are forced to give birth at home without qualified medical care.

Symptoms of a urethrovaginal fistula are constant urinary incontinence, as well as the appearance of constant moisture in the vaginal area. This condition can have a serious impact on a woman's quality of life as she may feel uncomfortable in public due to persistent urinary incontinence.

Treatment of urethrovaginal fistula may include both surgical and conservative methods. In some cases, a course of antibiotic treatment is sufficient, but in more complex cases, surgery may be required. Surgical treatment may include closing the fistula as well as repairing damaged bladder tissue.

In general, urethrovaginal fistula is a serious disease that can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of life of women. It is important to seek medical help at the first signs of this disease in order to begin treatment in a timely manner and prevent possible complications.

What is a urethrovaginal fistula?

Urethrovaginal fistula, or Vesicovaginal Fistula (VVF) is a pathological formation that connects the bladder to the vagina. This is a rare disease that is rarely discussed openly. However, the incidence of VVF is high in some countries: in Nepal, it affects 52% of patients. Up to a third of all repeated operations to eliminate the consequences of childbirth are associated with this disease. Pathology leads to chronic incontinence, i.e. violations

A fistula is a pathological path for the passage of urine and vaginal discharge. This condition can affect men and women and requires serious attention as it can lead to serious complications and negative health consequences.

Urethrovagal fistula usually occurs as a result of trauma or damage to bladder tissue. In this case, a continuous tract for urine excretion is formed between the bladder and the vagina. This type of fistula can be caused by a variety of reasons, including:

- **Genital surgeries:** Fistula can occur after gynecological surgeries such as hysterectomy or vaginal septum. In