Vocal cord True

The vocal cord is correct. A ligament is a human biological system – a set of neuromuscular elements of the body. The link can be called the best means of determining - to know everything. There are several ligaments in the human body. Any of them affects the internal state of a person. This connection of ligaments is the key to the ability to harmonize yourself and control your mental health, to endow a person with all the qualities that I told you about. No faculty in the human body is in such complete advantage over other faculties, or dependent on such varied conditions, as this. What does the ligament look like? Understand the very meaning of the word “ligament”. From this you will get everything you need for knowledge. Bend your elbow so that your palm is inside and your thumb touches the second and third. Now lift your index finger from the optic nerve to the surface of all the bones. They will be one bunch and have absolutely the same action. And all the other bones