Scaphoid-sphenoid ligament Middle

Ligament of the scaphoid bone with the sphenoid bone (Scapho-Cuneiform ligament)
The ligament connects the scaphoid and sphenoid bones. It runs from the lower edge of the scaphoid to the base of the sphenoid bone.
This ligament is very important as it stabilizes the joint and prevents wrist dislocation. The ligament is also involved in the formation of the arch of the foot.
If the ligament is damaged, the scaphoid and sphenoid bones may dislocate, leading to pain and dysfunction of the joint.

The **Scaphoid ligament** is a complex membrane and consists of four different layers: deep fibers, middle membrane, superficial membrane and loose tissue. Due to the large number of layers, it performs many functions, such as connecting the scaphoid and cuboid bones, as well as the sphenoid bone with