Ligament of the Stapes Base Annular

Annular ligament of the stapes base: Anatomical structure and its role

The annular ligament of the base of the stapes, also known as l. annulare baseos stapedis, is an important anatomical structure in the human ear. It is an annular ligament that surrounds the base of the stapes, one of the three bones that make up the middle ear. In this article we will look at the anatomical features of the annular ligament of the base of the stapes and its role in the functioning of the auditory system.

The annular ligament of the base of the stapes has a colloidal structure and consists of specialized collagen fibers. It forms a ring around the base of the stapes, providing support and fixation in its anatomical position. The structure of the annular ligament at the base of the stapes has high strength and flexibility, which allows it to effectively transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to

Contents: * Basic data of the stapes base ligament * Structure and functions * Structure of the stapes base ligament * Etymology

Summary of main material

The ligament of the base of the stapes (lat. L. annularе baseos stapes) is a complex anatomical formation located between the heads of the base of the stapes and the interosseous membrane connecting the petrous and pyramidal bones in the pyramids of the human temporal bones. This thin, elastic tissue serves as an important connective element in the inner ear and is essential for the proper functioning of the hearing aid.