Ligament of the Liver Falciform

Ligament of the liver of the falciform lacuna, ligament of the Lamuzian gland - lat. pediculus felleae lumborum L. falciformes hepatis. The normal position of the left gastric vein and the falciform ligament of the liver allows the stomach to maintain a vertical position, hence its name. The ligament is formed by the fusion of the layers of peritoneum covering the left hypochondrium and forming a concave inner layer of the lesser omentum.

Ligaments and their names: 1. Falciform ligament. 2. The biliary ligament or connective tissue membrane of the gallbladder, related to the peritoneum, but having a smooth muscle structure (tunica muscularis). 3. Common falciform ligament connecting the longitudinal walls of the rectus abdominis sheath. 4.Middle inguinal ligament.