Sycosis Simple

Sycosis is a skin disease that manifests itself in the form of festering pimples, blackheads and other inflammatory elements on the face and body. Sycosis is usually associated with an increase in bacteria in the pores of the skin, which can cause infection and inflammation. In this article we will look at sycosis in simple terms and talk about its symptoms, causes and treatment.

Symptoms of sycosis

Sycosis can manifest itself in various forms, but in general this disease is characterized by the appearance of purulent and inflammatory formations on the skin. Here are some symptoms that may be associated with sycosis:

Skin lesions - Large and painful pimples with pus inside - Blackheads, bumps and cysts (small round growth with a brown tip, similar to a pimple) - White pustules (ball-like appearance with no pus inside)

Red skin - Redness around pimples - Red and itchy patches under the skin

Itching, pain and discharge - Pain, itching and burning in the area of ​​the rash - Discharge from pimples and blisters, especially if they are deep and large - Sores, open wounds or scabs that appear after the pimples have healed