
The symphysis is the connection between two bones that allows them to move relative to each other. Symphyses are found in various parts of the body, such as the hip, knee, elbow and wrist. They provide flexibility and mobility to the joints and also protect them from damage.

However, if the symphysis is damaged or weakened, it can lead to various problems. For example, in the hip joint this can cause pain and limitation of movement, and in the knee it can cause arthrosis and other diseases.

Various methods are used to treat symphysitis, including surgery, physical therapy, and medication. It is important to consult a doctor in time and begin treatment to avoid serious consequences.

The symphysis is the articulation of two bones that allows them to move relative to each other. Although the term "symphysis" can be used in different contexts, in the context of medicine it usually refers to the branch of anatomy and biomechanics. In this article we will look at what the symphysis is, how it works, and what risks it may pose to health.

The symphysis is two bones that are connected to each other by cartilage or bone tissue, which allows the bones to move freely relative to each other, essentially forming a semi-joint. Symphysises are most often found in the pelvic bones and are found in women - after all, it is thanks to symphysitis that we can give birth to a child.

Also, symphyses are present in newborn babies. But with age, the bones merge until an adult has no symphysis left. However, this closure mechanism does not occur in everyone; in some women, the symphysis remains intact even after reaching adulthood. And by this time it can already bring a lot of trouble. The causes of this pathology include primarily: - Pelvic injuries - Excessive physical stress on the spine - Gynecological problems (pregnancy, sudden childbirth, abortion);

Initially, pubic pain may be minor. But if you ignore the symptoms, they quickly begin to increase. In general, the manifestation of symphysitis can be different, but still there are a number of main symptoms:

pain in the pubic area, often nagging gait disturbance and the appearance of lameness when walking, swelling