Symptom of Automatic Pronation

Automatic pronation syndrome

Automatic pronation syndrome is involuntary rotation of the foot and extension of the knee joint. This disease usually appears after injuries and sprains of the legs. The diagnosis is made by an orthopedist. This syndrome can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Causes of occurrence Automatic pronation syndrome is promoted by constant increased load, which is also associated with excess weight. Excessive tension in the leg muscles also leads to the disease. It is also worth noting pain in the legs when stepping on the foot, paleness of the limbs during exercise. In severe cases, people with automatic pronation syndrome may need to use canes or walkers. As the disease progresses, automatic pronation is uncontrollable and can lead to dangerous tendon rotation or ligament ruptures. It is good if the symptoms have arisen for the first time, because then the damage to the legs can be stopped and serious consequences can be avoided. But if the stage of the disease is advanced, then it is impossible to completely cure the disease and restore joint health. For this reason, prevention of this disease is necessary - a mandatory consultation with an orthopedist and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A person with this disease is diagnosed with pronation instability syndrome, which is characterized by deformation of the foot (during relaxation, the person’s knees are half-bent, the leg is thrown to the side), insufficient motor activity of the legs (with this disease lameness often occurs), fatigue of the legs, painful sensations, numbness of the feet, formation of bundles (ultimately the person is forced to give up heavy work and receive release from labor). Common pronator instability syndrome is characterized by the fact that the patient is unable to maintain balance, falling to the side even with a slight arch of the back. Treatment of pronatorial instability syndrome Selection of treatment for pronatorial instability syndrome requires special knowledge, the involvement of highly qualified specialists and the use of modern technologies. Drug treatment is carried out by a neurologist to reduce the reflex tone of muscle groups, reduce hypodynamic conditions, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and increase the patient’s mood. Muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, and multivitamin complexes are prescribed. The optimal combination of drug therapy with physiotherapeutic procedures, such as IRT, amplipulse, massage, electrophoresis, mud wraps, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, herbal compresses. Increasing pain is treated with analgesics. Instead of standard doses of drugs, their analogs are prescribed in solutions and injections, such as cloferin, its analogue clonidine-ferein, sibazon, its substitute sibazon-NA, phenobarbital, phenoblock, xanaxan, dexamethasone, etc. Vitamin preparations are used separately to relieve inflammation and strengthen immune system. Adjustment of the course of treatment should be carried out by a neurologist after regular monitoring of patients. With the development of automatic pronunciation syndrome in a person, the early stages of the disease are detected - -