
What is Synotia? - a medical ear disease characterized by damage to one or both ears, manifested by disturbances of the vestibular, auditory, sensory and motor systems.\n\nOne of the first manifestations of the disease in newborns is a slight increase in body temperature. For approximately five days, nasal congestion, runny nose, and increased lacrimation are observed. This stage of the disease can last from 1 to 7 days. Bright rashes appear on the lips.\n\n\nThe onset of clinical manifestations are balance disorders. Most patients are children 5-7 months old, less often they get sick at the age of 4-6 years. The disease begins acutely, in most cases at night. In children, coordination of movements is impaired and nausea occurs. In the morning, parents notice a change in the child’s posture during sleep.\n\nIn later stages, paralysis of the 6th-7th and 9th nerves is added.\n\