Synovectomy (Synovectomy)

Synovectomy is the surgical removal of the synovial membrane that covers the joints and ensures their mobility. This procedure can be used to treat various joint diseases such as arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis and others.

Synovectomy can be performed on one joint or on several. Depending on the disease, surgery may be performed through an incision in the skin or using minimally invasive techniques such as endoscopic synovectomy.

After a synovectomy, patients may experience pain relief and improved joint mobility. However, like any surgery, synovectomy has its risks and can lead to complications such as infection, bleeding, nerve damage, etc. Therefore, before performing a synovectomy, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s condition and select the most appropriate surgical method.

In general, synovectomy is an effective treatment for joint diseases. It can reduce pain and improve joint mobility, but requires a professional approach and careful planning of the operation.

Synovectomy is the surgical removal of tumor, mucus or plaque from a joint capsule, which can be performed under local or general anesthesia. This operation is also performed for some conditions that are atypical for rheumatologists. This method is considered one of the few ways to achieve a positive result in a disease associated with mutual damage to tissues and extra-articular formations that provide movement in the shoulder. The procedure refers to the so-called synovectomies, which, if possible, are performed using the following methods: partial synovectomy, complete synovectoma, single-deck synovectony or its modifications.

Synovectomy (from the English synovium - synovial membrane) is the procedure for removing synovium from a joint. The operation is indicated in cases where conservative therapy does not improve the patient's condition.

Endoscopic removal of synovium or synovectomy is an invasive procedure. During the intervention, minimally invasive endoscopic techniques are used that do not involve extensive intervention on the joint. The method is indicated for complex forms of the disease (systemic connective tissue diseases and others). Indications include herniated discs, chronic synovitis, etc.

During the operation on the joint, the following manipulations are performed:

1. The surgical site is anesthetized; 2. The traumatologist creates access using a special port on which the corresponding endoscopic equipment is located; 3. A probe is inserted to which the camera is attached; 4. The endoscope is placed into the joint cavity through a small incision; 5. After this, the instruments are removed and liquid secretions are sucked out, pathological tissue is removed, as well as inflammatory elements such as salt deposits and cholesterol plaques.

After the patient leaves the clinic, some recommendations for physical activity should be followed: * Gradually increase the range of motion. In the early stages, symptoms will completely stop after 2-3 weeks. However, you must continue with treatment, since there is a high probability that the operation will not have an effect; * Use special orthopedic pillows and bandages to maintain the correct position of the joint; * Begin passive rehabilitation with physical therapy and massage immediately after completion of surgery.

There are a huge number of benefits that synovectomy provides. But before deciding to undergo surgery, it is recommended to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of this procedure. Also remember about contraindications, especially acute infectious diseases.

Synovectomy (Latin synovia - joint; synovo- - prefix denoting something containing a joint; Greek ektomi, ektômi - remove, cut, remove; -tomia - operation to remove a part, truncation)

According to the International Medical Device Alliance (IMDA), synovectomy is classified as a preventive medical procedure or postoperative restorative procedure. It is a treatment option for a variety of diseases. Each medical technology, including synovectopia, has pros and cons. However, due to the increased attention of health authorities in various countries to the health status of patients, it is the doctor’s right and obligation to use one or another type of innovative medical technology from the point of view of preserving life.

Synovectomy is a surgical method to relieve arthropathy, destruction of articular cartilage, and pain.