Rashes in Newborns

Rashes in newborns

After the birth of a child, many parents are faced with the problem of various rashes appearing on the baby’s skin. Newborn rashes come in different types and can have different causes. In this article, we will look at the most common types of rashes in newborns, as well as how to treat them.

Milk rash

Milk rash is one of the most common types of rashes in newborns. It appears no earlier than a month of life and is characterized by small pale spots that are located in the cheeks, nose and chin. The rash usually doesn't cause any discomfort, but it can be itchy, causing your child to scratch and scratch the skin.

The cause of milk rash is improper feeding of the child. Malnutrition or overfeeding, as well as the consumption of excess alcohol or sweets by a nursing mother, can lead to the appearance of a rash. When bottle-fed, the rash can be caused by poor quality cow's milk.

Traditional methods can be used to treat milk rash. Scratched areas should be sprinkled with talc or potato flour, and it is best to apply compresses from a starch solution to scabs. In addition, it is recommended to monitor the quality of the child’s diet and exclude alcohol and sweets from the mother’s diet.

Blistering benign rash

Blistering benign rash is another type of rash that can appear in newborns. It is characterized by the appearance of blisters filled with cloudy liquid, which burst after 2-3 days and form crusts.

The cause of a blistering benign rash may be weakness or prematurity of the child, as well as the presence of syphilis in distant relatives. If the blisters cover less than half of the child's body, the disease usually passes quickly, but if more than half, it can lead to the death of the child.

For the treatment of benign blistering rashes, it is recommended to use camphor oil. In case of burst blisters, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with xeroform ointment, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Blistering malignant rash

Blistering rash is the most dangerous type of rash that can appear in newborns. It is a consequence of syphilis, which is transmitted from parent to child. The rash looks like large blisters that can merge together and reach sizes from a nut to a pigeon's egg.

Treatment of a blistering malignant rash is useless, since the disease usually leads to the death of the child. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the health of future parents and undergo the necessary medical examinations to exclude the presence of infections before conceiving a child.

Fresh carrot juice is a good remedy for all kinds of childhood rashes

A good remedy for treating any type of rash in newborns is fresh carrot juice. Carrots contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for healthy skin. It is recommended to consume up to a cup of juice per day, depending on the age of the baby.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the child’s skin, bathe regularly and use soft hygiene products.

In conclusion, rashes in newborns are not a serious problem in most cases and can be easily treated. It is important to monitor the quality of the child’s nutrition and skin hygiene, as well as undergo the necessary medical examinations before conceiving a child. If your child develops rashes, you should contact your pediatrician, who will determine the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.