
The meaning of the word “Tactile” In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova D.A. has the following definition: **"Tactility** is the property of inanimate objects or substances inherent in tactile sensations to express and transmit by touch the slightest changes in quality, temperature, etc.; the ability to manifest these properties." And also in Ozhegov’s dictionary: **"Touching is an action according to the meaning of the verbs touch and touch"**. The word of Latin origin "tactility", like some other nouns in the Russian language, has Latin analogues.

Basic information The term “tactile sensations” denotes a person’s special relationship to the world around him, in which the objective elements of the environment undergo changes under the influence of various factors with the subsequent transmission of information perceived by a person about the events occurring around him. Tactile abilities are individual, physical manifestations that influence a person’s perception of an object or event. Senses refer to human abilities to represent material objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. These abilities are the basis of all others, they are necessary for a person to be able to navigate the world around him, and this is ensured by the knowledge of individual phenomena and objects in the process of activity. In connection with the development of the human psyche, the perception of the world becomes more and more differentiated, and this affects some abilities to perceive tactile differences. These concepts give reason to assume that there is a certain connection between the relationship with the world and the analysis of its manifestations. This suggests that at any given time a person is part of the living and inanimate world, in turn, influencing the latter. It would seem that this situation causes some ambiguity

Good day, dear reader. My next text is dedicated to the most unusual and popular way of communication - tactics. I want to tell you why many choose it over a word or a smile.

Tactics have a lot of advantages and one of them is ease of understanding. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that words have a certain order, creating a logical chain, and on the basis of this we can understand the meaning of what was said. However, in communication without words, logic is lost and understanding can be difficult. But for those who want to communicate more effectively with each other, the challenge is to master the tactics. People who use it find it to be an effective way of communication. This occurs due to the fact that when using tactics, a person perceives not only the information conveyed by the other person, but also his emotions and reactions