
Thanat is a character in ancient Greek mythology, the god of death and the personification of sudden and violent death. In Greek religion, death was often portrayed as a benign or even desirable opportunity to depart from life and enter the world of Hades. Thanat and his brother Hypnos were the messengers of the great Zeus.

Tanat - winged. He is the embodiment of will and composure. Death has his strong arms and a powerful eagle beak. She has completely black eyes and a bald head with creepy glowing tattoos. The space around Thanat devastates and destroys. He has a crown-like object that Thanat wears on his head instead of a crown. According to Poluba, Tanat's wife (his brother and sister are spouses) sometimes has a number of abilities.

There is a widespread belief that Thanat sometimes drives Mother Clytemnestra to madness, frightening those who see her and causing fear in those around her. She has to go against those she despises. Among her deaths, she stands out in that she can see or see the real Thanat approaching, even if he is far from her line of sight. However, she is calm enough to sigh and pray.