Pelvis Transverse-Narrowed

Pelvis Transverse - Narrowed

The pelvis refers to the field of research and medicine that primarily concerns the female reproductive system. The pelvis contains many important organs that ensure life in the entire system of the human body. However, a common problem is a narrowed pelvis, in which significant changes occur in its structure, which can negatively affect the process of pregnancy, childbirth and sexual life. In this material we will look at what a transverse pelvis is, what consequences it has for women, and also how this problem can be solved.

Transverse pelvis

The name transverse describes the degree of narrowing of the pelvis itself. Those. The dimensions of the pelvic walls from the top in front, from the top in the back, and from the bottom in the front are compared with the dimensions of the woman’s body. If the pelvis is wide enough, then this phenomenon is called a transversely expanded pelvis. The most common type is a transversely narrowed female pelvis or a narrow conjugate arch. Such a pelvis has an S shape, i.e. The upper anterior transverse arch is narrower than the lower rear transverse arch. The pelvis can be transversely narrow in young women (up to 20 years) and transversely short in older women (after 45 years). This leads to increased difficulty during the birth process. If there is a transverse narrowing of the pelvis, its size becomes significantly smaller than normal, so the problem causes difficulties during childbirth. This also seriously affects the health of pregnant women. Therefore, it is important to realize that this problem can affect your body and measures are necessary to prevent possible complications. To diagnose a transversely narrow pelvis, various methods can be used: Hirschberg's method, Schilder's method, Lech's method, etc. To determine the degree of narrowing, Tolstoy's formula can be used: the angle between both talus bones plus the width of the pelvis above the sacrum plus the height of the birth arch. The angle is measured between the suprasacral talus line and the crest of the talus. Measurement