Tea For Pregnancy

Tea for pregnancy: myth or reality?

Many women taking hormonal contraceptives wonder whether it is possible to drink weight loss teas and herbal cleanses without fear of compromising the effectiveness of contraception and even possible pregnancy. Gynecologist Maria Mikhailovna Malyarskaya answers this question.

Combining hormonal drugs and drugs that have a laxative effect is not recommended. Constant intestinal upset disrupts the absorption of hormones and can significantly reduce their concentration in the blood. In this case, there is a real possibility that contraceptive protection will be disrupted. Moreover, this method of fighting weight is not only ineffective, but also harmful. During an intestinal disorder, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other vital substances begin to be absorbed worse. Therefore, drinking tea for weight loss and cleansing herbal preparations while taking hormonal contraceptives is not recommended.

Some women may notice weight gain while taking hormonal medications. However, the pills themselves do not affect weight. Female sex hormones rearrange metabolism, contributing to the formation of a female figure. The weight gain is not due to hormones at all, it’s just that food begins to be better absorbed, and you are used to eating as before. While taking hormones, the dietary requirements become more stringent - you need to limit yourself a little more, adapt to the new metabolic rate, and get used to your new state. There are no other real and safe ways to stop weight gain other than limiting the amount of food you eat and increasing your physical activity so that food is used faster and is not stored away. Everything else is unsafe shamanism.

Some women may also experience pseudopregnancy while taking hormonal contraceptives. This is due to changes in hormone levels in the body and can manifest as unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, changes in appetite and mood. If you experience these symptoms while taking hormonal contraceptives, be sure to consult your doctor.

In conclusion, we can say that drinking weight loss tea and herbal cleanses while taking hormonal contraceptives is not recommended. This can lead to disruption of the effectiveness of contraception and possible pregnancy. Instead, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity. If you are experiencing weight problems or other health concerns, be sure to contact your doctor for advice and guidance. The doctor will be able to choose the best treatment plan and help maintain your health.