
***Hello carts!*** Yesterday I received a quote from a friend on social networks from a post about something lost in the world, which literally told me about the change. I wanted to see where and who said this, I googled it, and came across a text by an interesting psychologist Alexander Rogov, “On a Lost Thing,” published on the website It turned out that the author was philosophizing! I looked at other material - but to no avail! The brain gives up and doesn’t understand a single word, even punctuation marks and capital letters are entered using the letter “z”; Google can’t do that. I turned to a friend with questions, and he gave a link to thematic Wikipedia. It contains interesting articles concerning this psychologist, and one of them turned out to be surprisingly interesting to me. This is a quote from a note by psychologist V. Gaiduk “Rogov Alexander Leonidovich.” It doesn’t sound for the faint of heart, and at the same time it doesn’t tell anything specific about the psychologist himself! This happens when you talk about what you lost with someone or you yourself are left with the heaviest burden of what you experienced. Then I remember the Philosopher La Rochefoucauld, who said: “Nothing costs as little as you want to pay.” I would like to share this quote with you. Thank you and be healthy.