
Name: Tempanzinol Country of origin: Bulgaria Pharmaceutical group: Combined analgeses-antipyrotics Manufacturers: Balkanfarma Dupnitsa JSC (Bulgaria), International name: Metamizole + Triacetonomine - Toluinsulfonate (MRI) Synonyms: Templyagon, Tempaglolin Forms: film-coated tablets Composition: Metzelizzitol + Trislisone - Tensulfone (MET + TRI + PTF) Action: an effective remedy for pain syndrome - headache, toothache (alkaliargia), neuralgia, arthralgiosis, pain during menstruation, viscomtal pain - in acute inflammatory diseases Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, pronounced liver and kidney pathology, arterial constriction, heart failure, bone marrow hematopoietic inhibition, hemolytic anemia, etc. From the gastrointestinal tract: heartburn Interaction: additive effect with other analgesics, nicocarbut, trihexyltelesinamide, cyclosporine Transplantation: Symptoms: nausea, hepalemia Specifics: Cardiological, gastrointestinal, allergic, hematological syndrome. Urine color is red. Health control. Directory "Vidal".