
Topic: The vertex is the part of the brain that is located between the forehead and the top of the head. It plays an important role in information processing and decision making. The parietals have many connections with other parts of the brain and are involved in processes such as memory, attention, perception, speech and thinking.

The crown has an even more important function. It controls balance and coordination of movements, which helps us maintain balance and control the movements of our bodies. It also helps us navigate space and time and understand our surroundings.

Some people think that the crown is purely a psychological function. However, it is not. Research shows that damage to the crown can cause problems with vision, hearing and touch. This can lead to decreased concentration and movement problems.

It is also important that the functions performed by the crowns are important for the life of every person, because thanks to them we maintain the stability of our body in balance. But if a person suffers damage to this part of their brain, they may have difficulty maintaining their balance.

In addition, the parietals are also associated with emotional stability. Some studies show that excess parietal activity affects mood swings and increases the risk of depression. And working with the parietal ligaments can help improve mood and reduce the risk of developing depression.

In conclusion, we can say that the crown plays a very significant role. They perform a coordination function and are also associated with the human brain and its personal characteristics.