Tenzia Eyes

Eye tension is a condition in which the eyeball is tense and cannot relax. This can be caused by various factors such as eye fatigue, sitting at the computer for a long time, improper lighting, etc. Eye tension can lead to various problems such as headaches, dry eyes, decreased visual acuity, and even the development of eye diseases.

To prevent eye tension, you need to monitor your posture, take breaks from work and rest, eat right and exercise regularly. It is also important to use glasses or contact lenses if necessary. If eye tension has already appeared, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Overall, eye tension is a common condition that can lead to serious eye health problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor your vision and take measures to preserve it.

Tension of the eye (lat. tencio, -е, tensio, -ō, tenosio, tensio - to stretch, strain) is a double-chain protein compound that connects the cis-space and the cis-membrane with the inner surface of the eyeball. It plays an important role in maintaining the pressure and shape of the intraocular fluid. Eye tension is also called the cyclic protein desmosynclein.

Eye tension binds to outer cis membrane proteins of the desmotensin family and the optical absorption pigment protein of the visual system. Protein plays a key role in regulating the stability and metabolism of ocular tissues, protecting the tissues from damage caused by environmental factors. Cyclic protein is an essential component of lens development. Ensures preservation of the shape of structures, mainly cis-capsules, ensures a tight fit of the fibers.

Violation of the structure of cyclic tensin of the eye can cause a degenerative state of cis cells and neurosensory functionality, and impaired oculomotor function. This is due to the presence of numerous short cis junctions. Violation of intratension metabolism leads to the development of excess content of purine bases and glucose.