Heat and light therapy

Heat and light therapy is a method of physiotherapeutic influence on the body, combining the effects of visible light and infrared rays. This method is the latest and has not yet been fully studied. However, today it is one of the most effective ways to treat various diseases. Let's take a closer look at this method and its advantages.

Heat and light therapy has been used for many years to treat inflammation, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, brain and other organs. During the experiment, it was found that this method actively affects biochemical processes in the body, increasing the metabolic rate and increasing the capabilities of the immune system. This is achieved thanks to the thermal effects of infrared radiation, as well as laser and ultraviolet rays, which activate positive dynamics and blood supply to peripheral tissues, that is, reduce pain. It has also been noted that heat and light therapy enhances the antioxidant protection of the blood, brain blood and liver. Moreover, this method is minimally invasive, suitable for people of all ages, safe and well tolerated. However, it is worth remembering that this treatment can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Heat and light therapy Heat and light therapy is a complex, therapeutic method of treating diseases based on the use of heat and light radiation. In therapy, infrared and visible radiation from sources of natural (sun) or artificial origin are used. Heat accelerates blood circulation, increases tissue regeneration, which has a beneficial effect on health

Thermal light therapy is a method of physiotherapy, the essence of which is to simultaneously expose the human body to rays of heat and electromagnetic radiation. First of all, this phenomenon improves the condition of the body due to the temperature factor and has a mild stimulating effect. Heat and light have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieve fatigue and stress, and improve sleep. But the main benefit of such treatment is the launch of physiological processes, restoration of immunity, and getting rid of infections and pathogens.

This method is also good for older people, since various hormones are produced under the influence of warm air. Well suited for recovery from colds and frequent acute respiratory infections, leads to increased endurance and performance, and reduces stress. It also helps women lose weight, get rid of gynecological problems, recover faster and solve any problems more effectively.

A type of infrared radiation can be considered massage procedures using infrared thermal lamps. They apply infrared radiation to biologically active points throughout the body and help control many diseases without drugs. As a result, the oxygen saturation of the blood increases, the blood and bile become thinner, the level of hormones changes, and cell renewal accelerates.