Detoxification therapy

Detoxification therapy is the process of removing toxins from the body, which can be used to treat various diseases associated with poisoning. It can be used to both prevent and treat poisonings such as food poisoning or alcohol poisoning.

Detoxification therapy includes various methods, such as hemodialysis, blood filtration, sorption of toxic substances, and the use of special medications.

Hemodialysis is a method of purifying the blood of toxic substances using a special machine that removes toxins from the blood through a semi-permeable membrane. This method is used for poisoning by toxins such as heavy metals, poisons and other chemicals.

Blood filtration is another method of detoxification therapy in which the blood is passed through a special filter that traps toxic substances. This method can be used in case of poisoning with drugs or other toxic substances.

Sorption of toxic substances is another method of detoxification therapy, which involves the use of special sorbents that absorb toxic substances from the body. This method can be used in case of poisoning by food or other substances.

Detoxification therapy also uses special medications that can help remove toxins from the body. For example, these could be preparations based on activated carbon or other adsorbents.

Thus, detoxification therapy is an important method of treating poisoning and other conditions associated with toxic effects on the body. It allows you to quickly and effectively remove toxins from the body and improve the patient's condition.

The term T.D. entered into widespread medical practice relatively recently; it belongs to the professor of the Moscow Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov, head of the Department of Emergency Medical Care of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute N. A. Tolmacheva. This name is more specific than just “detoxification,” which brings clarity to all subsequent statements on this issue and emphasizes their importance in modern conditions. Detoxification is the process of removing poisons from the body. Elimination of the pathological effects of intoxication is achieved through active or passive