Therapy Corpuscular

**Radiation therapy (RT)** is a cancer treatment that uses ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells or stop their growth. Radiation can be obtained from a variety of sources, including x-rays, gamma rays, and electron guns. However, for RT used in oncology, electrons, protons and neutrons are most often used.

Although RT is an effective treatment for many types of cancer, it also has its disadvantages. In particular, radiation is potentially carcinogenic and can cause damage to normal cells, which can lead to the development of cancer elsewhere. Therefore, before carrying out RT, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient in order to determine how rational it is to carry out this type of treatment in each specific case. It is also important to ensure the safety of treatment using modern technology and following medical standards.

**The purpose of this study was to study the effect of therapeutic electron radiation on the cell cycle**. To do this, we used rat lung tissue, which was treated with an electron flow and studied its morphological characteristics. We also investigated the mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effect of the electron beam on cell division. We found many cases of mitotic arrest and chromosome amplification in cell populations. When the duration of the latent phase of onset of mitosis was related to the duration of exposure to electron radiation, we concluded that the response to particle treatment depended on the dose-time schedule of exposure. Our results indicate that electron beam therapy can be used as an effective treatment for cancer in rats, but further research is needed on the potential problems and risks associated with the use of this type of therapy. IN

Corpuscular therapy is a type of radiation therapy that uses beams of particles such as electrons, heavy charged particles, neutrons and pi mesons to treat various diseases.

Corpuscular therapy has a number of advantages over other treatment methods. It allows you to precisely target affected areas while avoiding healthy tissue. It may also be more effective than other treatments because the particles can penetrate deep into tissue and reach affected cells.

One of the main advantages of particle therapy is its ability to destroy cancer cells. However, it can also be used to treat other diseases such as diseases of the heart, lungs and other organs.

However, corpuscular therapy also has some disadvantages. For example, it may cause side effects such as radiation exposure, which may be harmful to health. In addition, some patients may have contraindications to the use of particles, for example due to the presence of metal implants or other medical devices.

Overall, corpuscular therapy is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions and can be used in combination with other treatments to achieve the best results. However, before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor and undergo all necessary examinations.