Thermal water of Yves Rocher

All women have heard about thermal water, but not everyone has such a can on their shelf with cosmetics. This is because some people simply do not understand why thermal water is needed and how to use it. But it can not only pleasantly refresh the face in the heat, but also saturate the skin with valuable microelements, minerals and salts, help remove pimples, protect against harmful environmental influences and even fix makeup! The main thing is to be able to choose “your” water.

Types of thermal water and their purpose

Isotonic water Perfect for owners of dry, sensitive and normal skin. It has a neutral acidity level, moisturizes well and relieves irritation. Such girls will like it and low mineralized water.

Sodium bicarbonate water created for those with problematic and oily skin. Thanks to its composition, it will dry out inflammation, reduce redness, make the face less oily and protect it.

Selenium thermal water - the best option for a vacation. Its salts protect the skin from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals and prevent premature cell aging.

In addition, there are also waters artificially saturated with plant extracts and essential oils. Depending on the components, they can have different effects, but women prone to allergies need to be careful with this type of water!

Helpful information

High-quality water is packaged in airtight packaging in factories located next to healing springs - then it retains maximum of its properties. Thermal waters of French and Swiss brands are considered the best.

The correct use of water is as follows: spray it on the face or body from a distance of 15 cm for 3-5 seconds. During the spraying process, you need to make movements that repeat the figure eight. The procedure can be performed an unlimited number of times per day.

And our rating of the best, built taking into account the opinions of experts and reviews of ordinary customers, will help you choose the ideal thermal water for yourself.

Everyone knows about the benefits of mineral water for our body. And, probably, there is not a single person who has never tried to quench their thirst with this miraculous liquid. And if you remember how many tourists a year visit mineral springs in different parts of the world in order to cure any diseases or simply improve their health, then truly such water can be considered a real healing gift of nature. Now imagine that there is a similar miraculous moisture intended for healing “outside”. And its name is “thermal water”.

What is thermal water?


Thermal water Is a cosmetic product that consists of a liquid extracted from thermal springs underground. The mineralized composition of the product has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, and some types of waters even have a pharmaceutical effect, which allows them to be used in the treatment of many dermatological diseases.

Composition of thermal water

The composition of the product may vary markedly for each manufacturer. The amount of microelements depends on the place of extraction of thermal water, on the method of its production and on the type of skin for which it is intended.

Most often found in thermal baths: Calcium (Ca) is responsible for protective functions, Magnesium (Mg) fights inflammation, Sodium (Na) - preservation of minerals in the blood, Potassium (K) - moisture balance, Silicon (Si) is needed to maintain elasticity of the epidermis, chlorides and biocarbonates (soothing for the skin), etc.

What is thermal water needed for?

  1. Refreshes the face at any time of the year, which is especially important in the heat and indoors in winter, where there are heating radiators that dry out the air.
  2. Has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.
  3. Relieves irritation, fights peeling and acne.
  4. Tightens pores.
  5. Moisturizes the skin and allows it to “breathe”.
  6. Normalizes water-lipid balance.
  7. Improves the protective properties of the epidermis.
  8. Gives the face a well-groomed, healthy look.

Disadvantages of thermal water:

  1. Some customers complain that the thermal dries skin. If you have an oily face, then this drawback can even be considered an advantage of this product. And for dry and normal skin, you need to choose “water” specifically for the dry type of epidermis, since it contains a more gentle mineral composition.
  2. Price. The production of thermal water is an expensive thing, if it is actually extracted from deep sources, which is reflected in the cost of the product.
  3. The possibility of versatile use of a thermal heater completely depends on quality of the spray bottle. Here, as they say, “to each his own”: some people like a strong stream of miraculous liquid, others prefer light irrigation. Based on customer reviews, many admit that they changed the brand of water precisely because of the characteristics of the spray bottle, regardless of the quality of the product itself.
  4. Puffy eye effect after using thermal water the night before bed. This phenomenon is not observed in everyone and depends on the characteristics of the body. Usually the swelling goes away quickly, but if you are not happy with this development of events, you can try applying a thermal bath, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  5. addictive. Our skin gets used to a certain condition, and when you change something in your facial care program, you may feel some discomfort. This happens more often with rich cream. If a woman is used to feeling it on her face, then it is very difficult to refuse such a remedy, even if it harms the condition of the epidermis. The same thing happens with thermal water. Many regular customers of mineral water for the face admit that they no longer imagine how they managed without it before.

Various options for using thermal water in cosmetics and more

  1. Under makeup.Thermal water can be applied immediately after washing or after applying the base. This will allow the skin to “breathe” under a layer of cosmetics, and the foundation will be better distributed on the face.
  2. After makeup — We give cosmetics durability. Lightly spray your face after make-up and your makeup will not run off or smear, and the colors will remain bright for a long period of time. If you are afraid that your cosmetics will not withstand such exposure, then do not splash thermal water directly on your face, but spray it into the air, and then pass through the damp “cloud”.
  3. Under day/night cream. After washing, spray a little thermal water on your face, wait a few seconds, blot off the excess with a paper napkin, apply serum and care cream to your face. Such manipulations with the thermal heater will help the skin prepare for the main course in the form of a cream, and, accordingly, absorb more of what is beneficial for its healthy appearance.
  4. After chemical peeling, facial cleansing and other salon procedures.In this case, thermal water is needed for quick recovery.
  5. After hair removal and depilation. Any hair removal is stress for the skin, the consequences of which are perfectly mitigated by a thermal bath. Mineral water for the epidermis will help mini-wounds heal faster after sugaring, waxing or epilator, and after shaving it will save you from irritation and redness.
  6. While tanning: refreshes, moisturizes, does not interfere with the action of sunscreen.
  7. After sunbathing: soothing and cooling.
  8. Protecting hair from drying out. Thermal water will protect your hair during long exposure to the sun: spray the product not only on your skin, but also on your hair.
  9. For clay based masks. It is believed that when such a mask is on the face for more than 10 minutes, the skin is injured. This problem can be easily solved if, as the clay dries, you spray a thermal spray directly on top of the mask.
  10. To relieve swelling of the eyes. Moisten a cotton pad with thermal water and apply to your eyes for 10-15 minutes. The swelling will quickly subside.
  11. As a basis for masks. Thermal water, in this case, is the best alternative to regular tap water. As a result, the mask works better, more nutrients appear, and they are absorbed faster.
  12. Treatment of diaper rash in babies.Manufacturers advise using this product every time you change diapers. Just spray on the skin and let the liquid absorb a little. Just be careful, because not every thermal water is suitable for these purposes due to its composition. Always read the instructions for the product when purchasing. In addition, there is always a risk of an allergic reaction. Carefully monitor your baby's skin reaction, especially when using thermal water for the first time.
  13. Wound healing. Some types of thermal water have a pronounced pharmaceutical effect: they relieve inflammation and accelerate healing, so many mothers use this wonderful water even in emergency cases, if the child is injured, has a broken knee or is scratched. A few sprays and the pain subsides and the wound heals faster.
  14. After insect bites: relieves itching, redness, heals quickly.
  15. Antistatic for clothes and hair. Electric hair is a common problem during the cold season. Irrigate your hair with a thermal spray and it will stop standing on end. We do the same with synthetic fabrics: spray a little water on the inside of the product, and the clothes will no longer “stick”.
  16. Instead of an iron. Smoothes out wrinkles and creases if you spray the item and leave it to dry on a hanger.

Top best thermal waters, based on customer reviews:

Avène (low mineralized)


Not exactly a budget option (price 600-700 rubles in a pharmacy for 300 ml), but suitable for almost any skin type. The French company Aven offers thermal water in three volumes: 50 ml, 150 ml and 300 ml. A small bottle is more convenient to carry with you, but it is more economical to buy the largest bottle.

As the manufacturers assure, Aven thermal water is extracted from deep sources, bottled somewhere nearby without contact with sunlight, which destroys microelements, and then it ends up on store shelves.

Pros: French quality, excellent dispenser, no odor, versatility of use, suitable for the treatment of diaper rash in infants.

La Roche-posay (LRP)


It has almost identical characteristics to the product presented above, and even the price of these two waters is approximately the same, but the overall mineralization of LRP is higher, and the composition is richer: there is zinc, copper, and selenium.

Pros: French quality, convenient spray until the last spray, varied composition.



A budget product from a renowned Belarusian manufacturer.

Compound: thermal water from the French Alps, good mineralization.

But it has a number of disadvantages: an inconvenient dispenser that emits a stream rather than a “cloud”, which does not allow it to be used specifically as a makeup fixer; the smell from the bottle, which not everyone likes (the liquid itself has no aroma). Currently, Belarusian developers have heeded the demands of customers, and the smell no longer appears when sprayed. But in general, water from Belita copes with the main functions perfectly.

What’s interesting is that, despite the not entirely successful attempt to create the ideal thermal heater, the rest of the products from the “blue” series deserve due attention. Many lovers of Belarusian cosmetics even claim that Belit creams and tonics based on thermal water are in no way inferior to the products of the elite brands Vichy and Aven.


The biggest advantage of this thermal water heater is its manufacturer, who knows a lot about creating high-quality and healthy water. The remaining advantages flow smoothly from the previous statement: a good composition of minerals that is suitable for almost every skin type, a convenient sprayer, and a laconic design. Everything about this water is good, except, probably, the price. A small bottle of 150 ml will cost an average of 1000 rubles.

The table below presents comparative characteristics of the composition of popular brands of thermal waters. The data is for informational purposes only, since even the same brand of water product may differ in composition due to the specifics of the extraction technology (usually the differences are minimal).

Thermal water is a way to keep your facial skin in good shape. It keeps the skin hydrated throughout the day, preserves makeup, and saturates the epidermis with essential minerals and trace elements. Cosmetics based on water extracted from a warm spring are suitable even for sensitive skin prone to allergies and micro-inflammations. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of dermatological diseases or unwanted rashes.

What other benefits does water from a thermal spring have? It invigorates the skin before applying makeup (it can be used as a morning toner) and acts as a means of fixing makeup. This product is usually available in convenient micro-spray bottles. It allows you to spray the composition in small portions, sufficient to moisturize, but not wash away your makeup. The spray is convenient to carry with you to freshen up in the car or office during a working day. The use of this product makes the skin elastic and helps keep it in excellent condition throughout the day.

Why is thermal water needed?

During the spring-summer season, our skin is exposed to strong sunlight and needs hydration. But it’s so difficult to find time for rest and the necessary procedures to moisturize and restore facial skin. A bottle of thermal water helps to refresh, relieve fatigue, and support the skin with minerals and trace elements.

The benefits of thermal water

Water taken from a natural source is rich in beneficial substances. After spraying the face, the skin is moisturized, saturated with useful substances, and becomes smooth, radiant, and elastic. She looks rested and fresh, like after a spa treatment. The main difference between thermal water and mineral water is that mineral water contains much more salts, iron, copper and other elements that the epidermis does not need in such quantities. The best is from a natural source. It is easily absorbed, and all the beneficial substances contained in it penetrate the pores, giving a blooming and fresh look.

Properties of thermal water

Such cosmetics can make the skin smooth and elastic, even out the color. But the best results from using such cosmetics are achieved in people with problematic or sensitive skin. Minerals contained in thermal water affect epidermal cells, reducing their reactivity and strengthening cell membranes. This leads to improved intercellular metabolism. Cellular balance is restored. Cellular immunity is enhanced. The skin becomes more protected against exposure to the sun and wind.

Which thermal water is better?

It must be remembered that thermal water is a liquid spilled from a source. Different brands are bottled from different sources and have different sets of minerals and trace elements.


Used as a primary care product for sensitive skin. The product makes it soft, soothes, gives a feeling of comfort and freshness. It has a softening, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Avene thermal water is suitable for eczema or solar erythema. This is an excellent remedy for softening the skin after hair removal, it improves regenerative properties, and is used for the speedy healing of wounds after surgery. It has a mild effect, so it can be used to care for newborns.


Contains a lot of selenium. This trace element helps improve the immune and regenerative functions of the skin, reducing the harmful effects of free radicals. The product will soften, moisturize, and accelerate healing. It has a pronounced effect that slows down the aging of facial skin. Very well tolerated by sensitive skin prone to allergic rashes.


Bottled from a source located in the very heart of France - Vichy. Vichy has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens, moisturizes, and makes the face smooth. Vichy thermal water contains 17 minerals and 13 microelements that nourish the skin and help fight the harmful effects of the environment - sun, wind, frost. It has positive reviews because it perfectly evens out the color, makes the skin soft, small pores become less noticeable, and there is less inflammation and acne.

"I am the"

Helps cope with the harmful effects of the environment. Perfectly moisturizes and softens, helps cope with stress. Ya Samaya thermal water can be used in the morning, before applying daytime makeup, and in the evening to remove remnants of cosmetics. You can feel the benefits quickly enough, allowing your skin to always be moisturized, breathe freshness, and yourself to enjoy comfort.


Highly purified alpine melt water, enriched with minerals and trace elements. Allows you to moisturize the skin, relieve irritation, and achieve a feeling of unprecedented comfort. The convenience of Evian spray is that it is sold in bottles of different sizes - this allows you to always have it on hand to freshen up on a hot day or relieve tension in a stuffy office.


Natural isotonic water, which is extracted in the very center of the Alps at a temperature of strictly 27 degrees. It saturates the skin with minerals and microelements, moisturizes and evens out the complexion. It has a pronounced anti-radical effect that prevents premature aging. Uriage is a product for problematic, sensitive skin. It is suitable for people of all ages. Absorbs perfectly, no need to blot your face with a napkin or wait for it to dry. The properties are so active that they even help relieve the signs of psoriasis.


Helps restore the natural balance of minerals in the skin. Suitable for relieving inflammation and discomfort after sunbathing. The spectrum of action of Dermophil is wide: the product is perfectly absorbed, relieves minor allergic reactions, and helps restore the immunity of the epidermis.


Moisturizes the skin, helps cope with stress, harmful environmental influences, and evens out the complexion. It relieves dryness well and is perfectly absorbed. The Kenzo product is easily distinguished by its delicate and pleasant smell.


Water from the natural spring Vosges, located in the heart of France. It is hypoallergenic, does not contain dyes or perfume additives, and can be used even by people with very sensitive skin. Experts consider SpaVosges an excellent remedy for relieving facial skin fatigue. Maintains an even color, minimizes inflammation and unwanted redness.

"Black Pearl"

The Black Pearl product can be called the least expensive option. It contains pure alpine water. The small bottle is convenient to use. The main properties are excellent skin hydration and incredible freshness.

"Yves Rocher"

It differs from analogues produced by other manufacturers in its universal qualities. Yves Rocher can be used as a toner, applied under cream, and used to set makeup.

Thermal water in the fight against acne

Removing acne from the face is a problem that needs to be solved in a complex way: quitting smoking, proper nutrition (exclude fatty, sweet, starchy, spicy foods from the diet), a healthy lifestyle, and appropriate cosmetics. Thermal water can be used as a supporting agent in the fight against acne, because it moisturizes the skin and maintains its normal balance (the skin does not dry out and excess oil is not produced). The minerals found in thermal water slightly dry out inflammation. Its high degree of purification has a beneficial effect on skin of any type.

Thermal water for problem skin

The use of this product by women with problem skin can normalize the natural balance of the skin, minimize redness, and improve protective functions. Using thermal water you can refresh your face during the day and moisturize it. This prevents overdrying and increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

How to use thermal water correctly?

Manufacturers of various brands of this product describe in detail how to use it in their instructions. The range of application of the product is wide - it can tone the skin in the morning, before applying makeup, fix finished makeup, help remove remnants of makeup from the face in the evening, refresh and moisturize it during the day. The spray is sprayed over the entire surface of the face from a distance of approximately 30 cm, and after a few minutes the excess is wiped off the skin with a sanitary napkin.

Thermal water at home

It must be remembered that this is water bottled directly from a hot spring: it has already been purified and enriched with minerals and trace elements. Therefore, it is impossible to prepare it at home. But you can replace it with simple mineral water. To do this, you need to choose one that has a low salt content, since they dry out the skin. If the mineral water contains gases, you need to leave it open for several hours so that the carbon dioxide comes out. After this, you can start using mineral water. If you don’t have a spray, you can simply wash your face or prepare ice cubes to wipe your face. But the best is the one that was extracted from a natural warm spring.

The article does not describe the products of all companies. Many of them produce creams based on water taken from warm natural springs. You have the right to choose for your skin what suits it best. Facial skin benefits from water from any thermal source. Which one is better is up to you to decide.