Terra-Plant Echinacea

Terra Plant Echinacea is a natural and safe dietary supplement that has a wide range of medicinal uses. Manufactured by Natur Product Europe, the Netherlands. It contains numerous beneficial ingredients such as Echinacea rhizomes and roots (Echinacea purpurea) and grass grass (Vitis).

Echinacea is a very healthy plant that is mentioned in ancient medical texts. Echination purpurea is known for its immunostimulating properties. Experiments on animals show that echination slows the growth of tumors and reduces pain in rheumatism.

Terra Plant Echinacea is available in the form of tablets, capsules or syrup. Used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases; for colds, sore throats, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. It is also used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the female genitourinary system and gynecological diseases. Used as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Use Terra Planta Echinacea only after consultation with a doctor and taking into account all indications and contraindications. Do not take Terra Plast Echinocea without consulting a doctor. If necessary, consult with your doctor or complementary nutrition specialist.

**The concept of immunocorrectors**

Such drugs are aimed at helping the immune system fight various infections and maintain health while the body fights disease. Each pharmaceutical company has its own way of influencing human immunity for its drug. However, if you look at this problem more broadly, it becomes clear that immunomodulators of all pharmacological groups have almost the same general mechanisms of action on the body.

Drugs that stimulate the human immune system are not among the group of drugs with the lowest risk of side effects. Therefore, the use of immune drugs requires serious knowledge in the field of pharmacology. Otherwise, the drug will not help, but will only harm.

Unfortunately, not all manufacturers add additional excipients to pharmaceutical drugs produced in tablet or capsule form. The drugs contain only one active ingredient. The effect of these drugs is considered low - they cannot be medicines for hypovitaminosis, fatigue, overwork, and thyroid diseases. Also noteworthy is the need for additional monitoring in persons prone to allergic reactions. When the first signs of hypersensitivity appear, the patient must urgently stop taking the drug, since its side effects can cause more significant harm to the body than the therapeutic effect. **Echinacea as an adjuvant in the treatment of infectious diseases** The main indications for the use of echinosine immunomodulating biogenic stimulants are the presence of acute and chronic bacterial or viral infections in the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease. They are also effective for lesions of the skin and mucous cavities. This is due to the fact that the active components make it possible to strengthen the immune system, reduce the size of bacterial cells, facilitate their exit from the source of inflammation, and improve the condition of tissues. It has been proven that Echinacea reduces the duration of the active growth phase of pathogen colonies, and also contributes to the death and destruction of already emerging pathogenic microorganisms. The biological active substances of Echincea have also found their use in the treatment of eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis and keratitis. In addition, Echinacea preparations are used in the treatment of ailments of the digestive system; the presence of wound lesions of various origins; illness