Mast Cell Degranulation Test

The mast cell degranulation test is a method for diagnosing specific sensitization of the body. It consists in determining the proportion of mast cells that have undergone degranulation in the peritoneal fluid of the rat after adding blood serum of the examined and tested allergen to them. This method allows you to detect the presence of specific antibodies that can cause an allergic reaction and lead to the development of various diseases.

The mast cell degranulation test is widely used in medicine to diagnose allergic reactions, asthma, food allergies and other diseases. It can also be used to determine the body's sensitivity to various allergens, which can help in choosing the right treatment and prevention of allergic diseases.

To perform the mast cell degranulation test, special cell cultures that contain mast cells are used. Once serum and allergens are added to cultures, mast cells begin to degranulate and release various inflammatory mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes, and others. These mediators can cause various symptoms of allergic reactions in patients.

The results of a mast cell degranulation test can be interpreted as follows:

– If the proportion of degranulated mast cells is less than 20%, then this indicates low sensitivity to the allergen.
– If the proportion of degranulated mast cells is from 20% to 40%, then this indicates moderate sensitivity to the allergen.
– If the proportion of degranulated mast cells exceeds 40%, then this indicates high sensitivity to the allergen and the possible development of allergic reactions.

Overall, the mast cell degranulation test is an important tool for diagnosing allergic diseases and determining the body's sensitivity to allergens. It identifies specific antibodies that may cause an allergic reaction and helps in choosing the right treatment.

The mast cell degranulation test (TDE) is a laboratory diagnostic method that is used to determine the level of degranulation (separation) of mast cells by adding the patient's blood serum and the test allergen (if this test is performed as part of an allergy examination). This test is useful for assessing the presence of specific sensitization (sensitivity) of the body to any allergen.

TDE is a simple and reliable method for diagnosing allergic reactions that can help clinicians make informed treatment choices or prescribe appropriate preventive treatments (reserve antiallergic drugs) that can calm allergic reactions.

To conduct a degranulation test, laboratory analysis methods are used, which makes it possible to determine the level of degranulation of those types of mast cells that are involved in the formation of allergic reactions. Carrying out TDE not only helps to establish the presence of specific diseases, but also to diagnose the presence of a wide range of allergic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc. The results of this test also allow the effectiveness of antiallergy medications to be assessed.

The study will help accurately diagnose your disease.