Betachek Test Strips

Test strips are test systems that help make a preliminary diagnosis for a patient based on various methods of studying a particular type of biological material. Many of these systems must be packaged in a manner that makes them easy to store and use. Pharmacy test strips are used to analyze urine samples. Blanks such as Sil-Test strips from Sanyo are widely used. The substances of many of these materials are capable of developing a stain on the test side of the strip if they react with the sample substance for a few seconds. For example, the most common indicators are those that react to the presence of certain enzymes; such tests make it possible to recognize diseases of the genitourinary system by the amount of urea in biological material, or the presence of red blood cells in urine. In some cases, glucose strips are used to determine the level of sugar in the urine. Most of these strips are becoming more common every day. Among them are Test-positive from Fine-test, as well as Clinitek Strips from Rochester Technologies Inc. The strip of this latter brand helps to determine the presence of glucose and ketones in biomaterial when performing a ketonuria test.