Test System for D/Detection of Hepatitis B Antibodies

In today's world, where more and more people suffer from various diseases, one of the most common is hepatitis B. This infection causes inflammation of the liver and can lead to serious consequences if not promptly identified and treated.

One of the most effective ways to diagnose hepatitis B is to test for the presence of antibodies in the blood. For this purpose, special test systems are used that allow you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of infection. However, despite their effectiveness, such tests require professional use and correct interpretation of the results.

In this article we will look at a test system for the detection of hepatitis B antibodies, which is intended to determine the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis B virus in human blood serum. This is an important measure that allows you to identify a predisposition to hepatitis B and prevent the development of the disease.

ELISA test systems are produced by the research and production association "Diagnostic Systems NPO", St. Petersburg. They are developed taking into account the most modern technologies and strict requirements for quality and reliability, therefore the assessment of the diagnostic effectiveness of the test systems we offer is different at the level of standard ELISA.

They allow you to detect the hepatitis B virus with a high degree of reliability; the accuracy of the technology is over 98%.

The products of NPKO Diagnostic Systems NPO are distinguished by the use of original batches of milk powder and cattle blood serum proteins, made on the basis of strictly selected sera with a low content of animal albumin.

Advantages of the test system for the detection of antihepatitis B: **1. Safety:** Tests performed using pyrogen-free, readily available components. The laboratory does not need to use any toxic reagents. This system avoids their contact with the mouth and hands of personnel, which reduces the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

**2. A quick way to carry out analyzes**: Since these types of studies have to be carried out quite often, its rapid implementation is of great importance. With the help of these test systems this can be done very easily. Due to the fact that to carry out sero