Testosterone Capronate

In modern medicine, testosterone plays an important role; it is a hormone that is responsible for sexual function, muscle growth, willpower, aggression and sexual activity. Many people face the problem of low testosterone levels. One of the popular hormone replacement therapies is testosterone therapy, which can be purchased both in Russia and abroad. However, due to the undesirable consequences, many people choose not to use it until the last moment.

There are several medical indications for the use of testosterone:

- androgen deficiency, which manifests itself in the form of decreased libido, muscle strength, erectile dysfunction, obesity; - delayed puberty in men;

Undesirable consequences

A huge number of side effects have been identified while taking testosterone since its invention at the turn of the 50s. The most common among them were tumors and changes in muscle mass. There may also be associated hypertension, hair loss, weight gain, acne or swelling of the breasts and other parts of the body.

In their study, scientists came to the conclusion