Tests During Pregnancy

Tests during pregnancy: what you need to know?

Pregnancy is one of the most important and responsible times in a woman’s life. At the same time, throughout the entire period of pregnancy it is necessary to monitor the health and condition of the expectant mother and her child. One of the most important tools for this are clinical tests, which are performed at different stages of pregnancy. In this article we will look at the main tests that an expectant mother needs to undergo.

Clinical blood test

One of the most important tests performed during pregnancy is a clinical blood test. It is performed several times during pregnancy, especially in the second half. Repeated blood tests make it possible to promptly identify diseases that require special treatment.

When conducting a clinical blood test, the level of hemoglobin, the number of red and white blood cells, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and other indicators are determined. It is also necessary to determine the blood type and Rh factor. If Rh-negative blood is detected in the mother, it is necessary to examine the blood of the husband. If the father has Rh-positive blood and the fetus inherits the father's Rh-ness, then a Rh conflict arises between the mother and the fetus, which can lead to serious complications.

Clinical urine tests

During pregnancy, the kidneys function under great strain, as they remove metabolic products from the body of both the expectant mother and the growing fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman’s urine must be examined at every visit to the antenatal clinic. Particular attention is paid to the presence of protein in the urine, as this may indicate various kidney diseases and other serious problems.

Controlling weight gain

Controlling weight gain is an important component of a healthy pregnancy. The pregnant woman is weighed at every visit to the antenatal clinic, at least once a month in the first half of pregnancy and every two weeks in the second half. Weighing is done without clothes, after urination and bowel movements.

In conclusion, regular pregnancy testing is an important component of a healthy pregnancy and a successful birth of a healthy baby. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations and complete all necessary tests on time.