Tetany Children's

Tetany infantile (T. infantilis).

Tetany infantum is a dangerous disease that is characterized by sudden spasm and contraction of muscles in children and can lead to serious health consequences. It occurs due to an abnormal increase in calcium levels in the blood, which causes muscle dysfunction.

This disease was first described in the works of William Blake, who conducted a study on mice. In 1938, Eric Blunt and David Iidone presented documentation of the disease in humans. Its name translates to "spasmodic muscles" in English.

***The cause of childhood tetany*** is a muscle tissue disease called Erb-Danlos muscular dystrophy. This is a hereditary disease associated with a defect in type VI collagen, the main structural component of connective tissue. Type VI collagen provides strength and elasticity to the body. In muscular dystrophies, collagen production is disrupted or does not function properly. Patients experience decreased body weight and increased fatigue