Teturam (Antabuse)

What is Teturama/Antabuse?

Teturiam/Antabasu is a drug that is used to treat alcohol dependence. It contains a small amount of the active substance disulfir, which blocks the liver when drinking alcohol. This can lead to unwanted symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting and even coma. Teturiam should be used only under the supervision of a doctor and subject to the rules of administration.

Composition of Teturamak/Antabzus

The main component of Teturimak/Antabis is the substance disulphir. It blocks the process of breaking down alcohol in the liver, which leads to the development of various serious complications. Disulphire binds to aldehyde dehydrogenase, converting alcohol into the toxic substance acetaldehyde, which can cause depression of the central nervous system, symptoms of intoxication, hypoxia