Thinking spasmodic

Thinking spasmodic

Spasmodicity (arrhythmia, arrhythmization) of nervous processes is one of the forms of pathological inert-dysmnestic excitation and, along with “explosiveness” and “paroxysmalness”, is one of the types of manifestations of disorders of the cortical and subcortical processes of the cerebral cortex on the part of excitation, most characteristic of the clinic of chorea ( choreic disease). This picture of pathological inertia is characterized by the following features: changes in individual nervous processes that are transient outside consciousness, without “significant sensations”, and not accompanied by vegetative shifts, can cause stagnation in the cortical areas. The described disorders are quite specific for epilepsy, although they can also be detected in healthy subjects. If the disorder occurs during the performance of mental work with a high degree of precision and causes “rapid exhaustion,” then the suspicion of epilepsy may become justified.