Thousands of Tests During Pregnancy. We are also not afraid!

Pregnancy is one of the most important and responsible periods in a woman’s life. During this period, she is responsible for the health and development of her unborn baby. Therefore, to ensure the health and safety of the child, pregnant women undergo many tests and examinations.

A clinical blood test is one of the most important tests that pregnant women undergo several times throughout pregnancy, especially in the second half. This allows for timely identification of diseases requiring special treatment. Also, from all pregnant women, blood is taken twice from the ulnar vein for a special study, which allows us to identify the Wasserman and Zachea-Georgi reaction. If diseases are detected, treatment is carried out in a specialized medical institution with the mandatory involvement of the father of the unborn child in the treatment.

Also, all pregnant women must have their blood type and Rh status determined. If the mother has Rh-negative blood, hemolytic disease of the newborn is possible. Therefore, if Rh-negative blood is detected in a pregnant woman, it is also necessary to examine the blood of the child’s father. If the child's father has Rh-positive blood, then an Rh conflict may arise between the mother and the fetus.

In addition, clinical urine tests are also performed regularly during pregnancy. At this time, the kidneys function with great stress, as they remove metabolic products from the body of both the mother and the growing fetus. Therefore, at each visit to the antenatal clinic, the urine of a pregnant woman is examined for the presence of protein. When protein appears in the urine, the pregnant woman is taken into special registration, and if the protein increases, she is hospitalized.

Monitoring a pregnant woman's weight gain is also an important aspect of medical supervision. Weighing is carried out at each visit to the antenatal clinic, at least once a month in the first half of pregnancy and every 2 weeks in the second half of pregnancy. Weighing occurs without clothes, after urination and bowel movements.

In conclusion, medical supervision of pregnant women is an important factor in ensuring the health and safety of the unborn baby. Thousands of tests and examinations that are performed during pregnancy help identify possible diseases and problems that may affect the health of mother and child. Therefore, you should not be afraid to undergo all the necessary tests and examinations, as this will help ensure healthy conditions for the development and growth of the baby. In addition, it is important to monitor your health and follow all doctor’s recommendations in order to minimize the risks of problems during pregnancy and after the birth of the child. The baby’s health is the most valuable thing, so you shouldn’t skimp on your health and the health of your unborn child.