Thyroid Notch Superior

The superior thyroid notch (incisura thyroidea superior, pna; incisura thyreoidea superior, bna; incisura thyreoidea cranialis, jna) is a narrow notch in the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage. Located in the middle of the upper edge of the cartilage. It is limited laterally by small arched projections of the upper horns of the thyroid cartilage. The inferior laryngeal nerves and superior laryngeal arteries pass through the superior thyroid notch. The superior thyroid notch plays an important role in the mobility of the larynx during swallowing.

The thyroid gland has a wide anatomical significance for the body. It produces and secretes iodotyrosine, which is the main regulator of thyroid hormone metabolism in the body. The superior thyroid notch is located on the lateral surface of the thyroid gland, directly behind the cricoid notch.
