
Healthy skin thylus is a unique skin condition, but although it is a rare condition, it poses a potential threat to skin health and can lead to serious complications.

**General information** Common name of the disease: teliosis. It should not be confused with ordinary keratinization. Acheluosis is a skin condition characterized by local keratinization of the edges of inflamed skin lesions. Typically, the affected areas of skin are dark brown in color and can be located on both the face and body. Redness and rashes can occur on any area of ​​the skin, including the head, neck, arms and legs.

The disease often occurs in older people, but in rare cases it can occur in childhood. The method of transmission is contact. Achelueosis is the keratinization of the skin at the site of the inflammatory process. In other words, they talk about achelueosis locally when there is inflammation in the skin,