Tin Samai

Dioscorides says: “This clay is like a stone, which goldsmiths use for smoothing and polishing. It comes in different types, for example, white and ashy, like the previous one, and it is delicate, lamellar. Its pieces come in various shapes. Among its species there is a type that is bright white, shiny, and quickly crumbles. If you moisten it with some liquid, it quickly dissolves. In the bathhouse they rub themselves with this clay instead of ushnana and soda.

Astringent, cooling, drying.

Of the first, you should prefer white and hard, and of the second, white and ashy.

This clay cleanses the body, makes it beautiful and gives shine to the face.

Organs of the head.
It dulls the senses.

Organs of the eye.
Mixed with milk, it helps against cataracts and ulcers that form in the eye.

Nutritional organs.
If you drink it, it helps with stomach pain.

Eruption organs.
Sometimes they think that if you hang this clay on a woman who is about to give birth, it will speed up the delivery of the child, and if you hang it on a pregnant woman, it will prevent a miscarriage.”